1200 Cals minimum?



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    The only food that will suspend weight loss is the food you eat too much of...

    and the starvation mode thing really...yah no that is a myth

    To the OP if your sure of her intake...what about output...you mentioned housework...she has done that while gaining weight so don't use that as exercise. Possible her burns are over estimated.

    I agree tho 1200 is hard to maintain long term...

    That is incorrect, if you have a metabolism like mine where carbohydrate intake causes hard insulin spikes then the food choices you make are far more important than the amount you eat. Insulin has been shown time and time again to be the centre point of a number of metabolic disorders that are linked together (heart disease, obesity, diabetes, hypoglycemia). Insulin spikes will halt all weight loss because of the way the hormone works in your body. Food allergies will also cause water retention and weight loss halting as well, so if a person has gluten intolerance (mild allergy) then they can experience weight loss stalls or reversals.

    Ultimately your metabolic rate will balance too your caloric intake, this is why calorie restriction alone is not a viable weight loss method. You have to figure out what is causing your metabolic imbalance and deal with that underlaying issue. For me it was changing to a low carb/high fat diet and increasing my caloric intake. I went from struggling with 1800 calories a day and weighing 305lbs to eating 3000 calories a day and dropping down to 230lbs, at which point I started having to drop my caloric intake. Low carb/high fat doesn't always work for some people, it just depends on the metabolic problem causing the weight increases.

    Losing weight is done one way and one way only proven in science.

    calorie deficet period. What you chose to eat has nothing to do with it as long as you are in a "REASONABLE DEFICET"

    It will be harder but not impossible with thyroid issues or PCOS but other then that when I hear "oh it's my metabolism" I laugh because that is rare as well and often used as an excuse. I am not saying "slow metabolism" doesn't exist but ....

    There was a discussion here on the forums about that and a study done that showed people who claim slow metabolism etc are "secret eaters" who don't record everything.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    If she is not losing weight she is eating too many calories.

    She is either underestimating her intake or overestimating her calories burned. Invest in a digital food scale.

    Of course this kind of post will attract the people that will say "increase her calories" which is RIDICULOUS!!! :explode:

    A caloric deficit is needed to lose weight. If she is not losing weight she is not in a caloric deficit.

    Ignore any post that mentions starvation mode, jump starting her metabolism, or anything regarding eating more calories to lose weight. It's nonsense.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    If she is not losing weight she is eating too many calories.

    She is either underestimating her intake or overestimating her calories burned. Invest in a digital food scale.

    Of course this kind of post will attract the people that will say "increase her calories" which is RIDICULOUS!!! :explode:

    A caloric deficit is needed to lose weight. If she is not losing weight she is not in a caloric deficit.

    Ignore any post that mentions starvation mode, jump starting her metabolism, or anything regarding eating more calories to lose weight. It's nonsense.

    This x1000!