How long did it take you to lower heart rate?

my resting rate is anywhere from 70-100 but my doctor told me it's because i'm overweight (still 295 pounds even tho i lost weight)

Started doing consistent cardio for about a week now, when should i expect to lower my heart rate? How long did it take you?


  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    I think after a month you'll see tangible results. At least that's what I found.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Yes, I agree that in a month, you should see it starting to drop. What kind of cardio are you doing?
  • shreddedadam
    shreddedadam Posts: 29 Member
    i'm doing 15 - 20 mins on the exercise bike a day, going to increase that soon but I have been weight lifting 5 days a week for around 2 months but never did cardio back then.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 8,007 Member
    It took me longer.

    I got seriously ill in 2011 (7 weeks on life support in intensive care, and 6 months in hospital). Afterwards was shocked that my resting heart rate was 80-100 following the illness. I do 5 hours of cardio per week. It took a year to get my resting heart rate back to 65. And that is actually pretty high considering the amount of cardio I do.
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    I expect you will see some improvement as you stick to your cardio over time, but you may also just have a naturally higher resting heart rate. Training will help some assuming that in addition to being overweight, you are currently very out of condition. But being overweight alone does not cause a higher heart rate, being out of shape does. I weigh about 282 and my resting heart rate is 60-70 bpm (it's 55-60 when I wake up in the morning or have been sitting very still for 15 minutes or more), and that's the same as it was when I was 25 pounds heavier.
  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    When I first started exercising it took a couple months for my heart rate to stop sky rocketing with exhursion. On the eliptically it was not uncommon to see a 190 and I wasn't even feeling bad. I was around 230 lbs. But it gradually started to lower over the next year. I started up couch to 5k when I got around 200lbs and running has done wonders for my cardiac health. My resting heart rate is around 55. I've seen as low as 47 from the blood pressure machine. and hitting 175 during a work out means I'm really pushing myself.

    You should start to see results soon, but expect a gradual improvment.
  • ElusivePete
    ElusivePete Posts: 50 Member
    I think I started noticing my heartrate slowing a little within about 3 or 4 months of doing regular cardio (2-3 moderately intense hours per week, plus some walking and other light stuff).

    It wasn't a big change at first though. I started at around 80-90 bpm, and it's taken me about a year and a half to get it down to ~60 bpm.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    i'm doing 15 - 20 mins on the exercise bike a day, going to increase that soon but I have been weight lifting 5 days a week for around 2 months but never did cardio back then.

    For what it is worth, you will see better results if you figure out your aerobic zone, and stay within it. Once you get more fit you can throw in some intervals once a week to really see some improvements.

    Edited because I always put way too many commas in. *sigh*