how do you hydrate on longer runs?

SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
what do you all do for water along the way? carry something? have pre- planned spots all the way with water?
what have you found that works best for you all?

Thanks for the input!


  • I purchased a camelback. It holds more water than I need and sits on my lower back like a reverse fanny-pack; however, they come in all shapes and sizes. Hope this helps!!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    For me personally, my longest run so far has been 40 minutes (first week of Bridge to 10K, so each 10 minute block of running was separated by a minute of walking). I was thinking that once I start getting closer to a full 10K (one hour) and beyond, that I would have to start carrying water with me... I will probably get a water bottle carrier of some sort.
  • My husband was in the military and there he used a CamalPak which he has now purchased one of his own today for long bike rides and runs. They have great female colors and you want to try it out at the store to make sure it fits you just right. Also take very good care of the insert its a great investment if you do. Good luck

    PS just because you have a larger sized one u don't have to fill it all the way up just as much as you will need for your run. And they have good priced ones at Wal*mart.
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    I carry the sports bottle canisters that holds twenty ounces. They have a hook on them that clips to my belt loops an I usually drink one prior to the run and after I get back I have another. God Bless, brenda
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    A camelbak chafes too much for me. I use a hydration belt by "nathan." look on amazon. Five ounces every two miles, then if i'm going more than ten miles, i make sure i run by somewhere i can refill. You'll need to try it out. I only use the belt if i go more than an hour, and if i'm running that long, i also bring gu. One for every 3-4 miles. HTH!
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    Forgot to mention that i'm a marathoner. This is tried and true for me.
  • this is probably not gna help but on my long run (8 miles) @ the 4th mile theres a gas station, i keep a dollar in my socks run in.. chug.. throw it out and keep running lol
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    this is probably not gna help but on my long run (8 miles) @ the 4th mile theres a gas station, i keep a dollar in my socks run in.. chug.. throw it out and keep running lol

    I think that is AWESOME!!! :):) It made me laugh!!! Personally I am up to four miles. When I get above the five mile mark (next week, hopefully!) I am going to purchase a CamelBak for my long runs. If it chafes I will return it!! You can definitely find female ones that will fit your body well for under $40!! believe me, I've been searching!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    wow! great suggestions everyone! I really appreciate it and will definately look in to the options provided!!!

  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    this is probably not gna help but on my long run (8 miles) @ the 4th mile theres a gas station, i keep a dollar in my socks run in.. chug.. throw it out and keep running lol

    I think that is AWESOME!!! :):) It made me laugh!!! Personally I am up to four miles. When I get above the five mile mark (next week, hopefully!) I am going to purchase a CamelBak for my long runs. If it chafes I will return it!! You can definitely find female ones that will fit your body well for under $40!! believe me, I've been searching!

    I love all your rewards for your mini, but huge, goals!!! so cute!
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