35+ GONE

Hello everyone!
I am looking for some people who are looking to seriously lose weight and work together to reach our goals.
Another 35 pounds to kick before I run the Glass Slipper Challenge in Feb and I am pumped to meet other like minded individuals ready to lose weight, get fit, and most of all get healthy!

Feel free to add or message me to chat :)



  • jellis1388
    jellis1388 Posts: 47 Member

    First of all.. Your picture is amazing! Great job!! How are you losing your weight? I just recently lost 60lbs and I have another 15 to go. I would love to chat:) private message me if you are interested :)
  • MandyG4557
    MandyG4557 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi I am looking to lose around 30 to 45 pounds and become healthier. I love someone to chat with and share my fails and success in weight loss journey with.. I just started Focus T25 :)

    Feel free to add me or message me.