
nica8605 Posts: 31 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Can you have too much protein? and whats the harm if u do?


  • angiereid
    angiereid Posts: 158
    it seems as though many people on here are deathly afraid of protein. extra protein in your diet is not going to hurt you especially if you work out. you need it. i get 90-100g a day by the way and have seen amazing results from my diet and routine. i have lost 31 pounds so far.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Yes and no. You'd have to eat quite a bit for a long time for it to aversely affect you, and by that I mean, going over by say 40 or 50 grams a day for years, and in that case, you can develop liver and/or kidney problems. Note that I mean this is possible, not a foregone conclusion. But to say that eating more protein than you need is better would be a mistake too. Taking in more protein than your body needs is not really much better than taking in more fat or carbs. Extra protein will be converted to glucose eventually (protein is metabolized in the liver, and the acids released from this metabolic process are converted to waste in the kidneys, thus the possible liver and kidney problems), and it will be stored as fat, or used as energy. So if you're asking if it will harm you, I would generally say, no, not usually, unless you eat a ton of it daily for a long time, but it's not going to do anything good for you either.

    Put it this way, protein is a building block for lots of things in the body and many of the essential amino acids in proteins cannot be produced by the body, and these amino acids are needed for things like building muscle, creating hormones, making blood and bone...etc. But just because you take in extra protein doesn't mean your body will make more muscle and such, muscle is only enhanced when a need is perceived in the body (I.E. resistance based exercise as the most obvious case).
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Can you have too much protein? and whats the harm if u do?

    If you have dodgy kidneys, too much protein can become a real problem for them. However, if you are healthy, 1g of protein for every kilogram of weight is a rough guide to how much protein you should consume per day.
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