100+ Pounds To Lose - Looking For MFP Friends



  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Hi there! Good for you! I'm very glad you are making this decision. I started about 6 weeks ago, and I have found such amazing support on MFP! People are so nice and encouraging.

    I recommend you assess what you eat. I have a very hard time as I am a very picky eater. I am not restricting myself, per se, but I have made some changes, such as wheat or whole grain bread instead of white bread. I have to lower my sugar and carbs per my doctor's orders, and it's tough but not impossible.

    I think that's very smart to take it one day at a time and not set too high of goals. And you said you want to lose 100+ lbs. I'm looking to lose 90 - 100 myself (I've lost 15 so far). But my first goal is to lose the 20 lbs. I'm almost there. Then, I'll set a new goal. That seems a lot less overwhelming!

    Also, find some exercise you actually like. I cannot stand the treadmill. I never could. I don't enjoy walking so much. But I have found I love the elliptical, riding my bike, playing tennis, and my new passion of Zumba. I found free classes in my area, one day a week even in the pool, and it's so fun, I hardly feel like I'm exercising. I love riding my bike; that also doesn't feel like exercise.

    I think it's really about experimentation and finding what works for you in terms of food and exercise. And just keep telling yourself you're trying your best, and then really do try your best! No, I can't run yet. I tried and it was awful. But I know when I lose a little more, I'll be able to, so that's also a goal.

    Even the stupid pair of jeans I bought in a too small size and never bothered returning - I can't wait until I fit into them and the $20 or whatever I spent won't be for nothing!

    So, one thing at a time, one day at a time. I think it starts with the food though. Really measure what you eat. I am surprised often when I log something and then see how much sodium was in it or sugar or something I didn't realize. It's very enlightening. I mean, I like these low-fat hot dogs, but I'm not going to eat them anymore because their sodium content is so high, it's not worth it to me.

    I really wish you the best of luck, and please feel free to add me as a friend!

    Jen :)
  • unapologetically_crystal
    sounds like a great start!! i wish you tons of luck. if you want to add me as a friend feel free. =)

    i agree that NO MATTER WHAT log what you eat. so IF there are "slipups" (there will be.. its okay!!) keep yourself accountable. but also be mindful to LET IT GO that it happened. EVERY DAY IS A NEW START. every day you have a chance to do a little better then before. i also totally eat whatever i want in moderation.. if it fits in my calories.. that totally works... though you will realize that you dont exactly mind a trade off considering the first item costs like 500 calories for a tiny bite.. and you can have a giant bowl of this for 200 instead.. thats fun to figure out. also dont be afraid of trying new things. i discovered and rediscovered foods i would have never thought about before that i absolutely love now. take BEFORE pictures. go right now. take a front shot, a side shot from both sides. one day you will be thankful you have it.

    ANYONE CAN ADD ME.. but if you stop logging.. you will possibly get deleted. i like committed friends.. as i have been here for almost two years and i plan to be here forever maintaining and keeping track.

    *edit* also wanted to say.. MAKE SMALL GOALS. seriously if you just look at that you want 100lbs off.. its daunting. start with smaller goals.. for instance i weighed 327lbs when i first started.. so my goals were to hit 300.. 275.. 250.. etc. and then be happy with the fact that you made ANY changes.. when you become proud of yourself.. you start to love yourself more and believe more.. and thats when times of growth happen.
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    sounds like a great start!! i wish you tons of luck. if you want to add me as a friend feel free. =)

    i agree that NO MATTER WHAT log what you eat. so IF there are "slipups" (there will be.. its okay!!) keep yourself accountable. but also be mindful to LET IT GO that it happened. EVERY DAY IS A NEW START. every day you have a chance to do a little better then before. i also totally eat whatever i want in moderation.. if it fits in my calories.. that totally works... though you will realize that you dont exactly mind a trade off considering the first item costs like 500 calories for a tiny bite.. and you can have a giant bowl of this for 200 instead.. thats fun to figure out. also dont be afraid of trying new things. i discovered and rediscovered foods i would have never thought about before that i absolutely love now. take BEFORE pictures. go right now. take a front shot, a side shot from both sides. one day you will be thankful you have it.

    ANYONE CAN ADD ME.. but if you stop logging.. you will possibly get deleted. i like committed friends.. as i have been here for almost two years and i plan to be here forever maintaining and keeping track.

    Just want to say, that's so impressive how much weight you've lost. Good for you! I feel inspired by your success!
  • unapologetically_crystal
    aww thanks!! =) im about to hit my two year mark here on MFP. i owe everything to this site.
  • lifegoeson25
    lifegoeson25 Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
  • freebirdsnsc
    freebirdsnsc Posts: 56 Member
    My fitness pal is awesome. It really helps in our journey to be healthy. Congratulations on your starting your journey
    You will have good days You will have bad days lol Ive had bad weeks and even months Forgive yourself and keep going....I love the quote even if you are going slow as a snail you are still making progress

  • pbaker78
    pbaker78 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello I just started phentermine and mfp to help track how many calories I intake trying to lose 70lbs and keep it off. Any suggestions and what's everyone weight looking like every week.
  • blytonrocks
    blytonrocks Posts: 183 Member
    I started Halloween 2012 with 103 lbs to lose. I'm within 25lbs of my goal now: if I can do it, truly anyone can!!! Good luck and if I can support anyone, I'd love to! I've had so much help on my journey :)
  • KaosLynnRose
    KaosLynnRose Posts: 3,415 Member
    friend request sent n e one else can request me if they like
  • CitronAtomique
    CitronAtomique Posts: 21 Member
    Good Luck!!!
    You can add me!!! :D

    Wish you all thaaaaa best!!!

  • rdbartle1958
    Congratulations on making the choice to get healthier. MFP is a great place to track and post your progress. I have been on the plan myself since April and have lost almost 60 pounds and dropped 10 inches off my waist. The positive feedback and support you receive from MFP'ers is amazing! Good luck with your plan. :)
  • vegamina
    Hello! Am new here too itsmy 2nd day feel free to add me lets make our selves proud.
  • VintageChubster
    VintageChubster Posts: 4 Member
    I just started almost two weeks ago, feel free to add me! I log daily, even my little slip-ups... Good luck! I'm looking to lose two stone...it seems a massive number! So any help to get me there would be great :-)
  • vegamina
    Want to say that what have you done is so remarkable! Am truly inspired.u r about to hot 2years here am about to hit 2 days :D