Low Carbs intake is safe or not??


Well i have lost surprisingly 26lbs over the period of time...by just maintaining calories...

but now i know as time goes i will be gettin stuck over specific weigh.....

so i read few forums (Better to start early then finishin late)

they said that it is better to go for paleo diet wich consists low carbs, no grains & less dairy product...

i hav never paid attention to carbs till this date...but i noticed that wen i eat roti...i havnt crossed 80gm of carbs a day...but if i eat bread am over 200gm..

so wat is recommended?? ROTI or Bread ....Carbs or Calorie or Carbs & Calories?

is eatin less carbs that is 20-50gm carbs a day safe enough?? or 50-100??

is there any conversion like calorie weh 7700 cal is 1KG roughly... so is there something for 1KG in carbs??

my target is 190lbs for now...but i wouldnt mind high body weight if my FAT % is less....


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    If I ate that few carbs I wouldn't be able to get through my workouts. I need around 200 - 250 grams of carbs daily for optimal performance. It really just depends on you and your activity. I lot of the weight loss from cutting carbs is just water....all diets require a calorie deficit to lose fat so there's no getting around that. I do know some people who cut carbs temporarily for competitions, etc to cut water weight out, but as soon as they're done they go back to normal eating.

    Personally, you probably just need to have more patience...it's a slow process and as you lean out it gets even slower. Also, as you lean out, your margin for error shrinks so you need to be as precise as possible with your intake and output. This means using food scales and weighing and measuring pretty much everything, especially calorie dense items. Personally, I'd focus on that rather than low carb...unless you're rather sedentary you'll probably have a rough go of super low carb.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member

    Well i have lost surprisingly 26lbs over the period of time...by just maintaining calories...

    but now i know as time goes i will be gettin stuck over specific weigh.....

    so i read few forums (Better to start early then finishin late)

    they said that it is better to go for paleo diet wich consists low carbs, no grains & less dairy product...

    You've lost 26 pounds. You know a lot more than some proponents of these quirky fad diets.

    Stick to what you are doing. Plateaus only exist because you are eating inadvertently at maintenance. Recheck your portion sizes, don't overestimate calorie burn and recalculate your daily calorie needs, because you need fewer calories as you lose weight.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    so i read few forums...
    they said that it is better to go for paleo diet wich consists low carbs, no grains & less dairy product...

    You need to start reading better forums.
  • gamerkiwi
    gamerkiwi Posts: 93 Member
    Low carb is safe. Don't worry about that.

    How effective it is is up to preference, really. I lost over 100 pounds on a ketogenic diet alone, and that was because I could stick with it. Fats, proteins, and non-starchy vegetables are more filling than carby foods. But it still comes down to calories in>calories out.

    If you lift, sprint, or do any other HIIT, then you'll have a significant dip in performance, especially at first.

    Honestly, you've been doing well, just take a step back and take a harder look at how your diet is.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    So if I reach like 95kg. Then should I start weigt lifting intensely compared to now...or way??...coz m really interested in making muscle....not getting bulky...but more like ripped...want to b around 9-10% body fat that 26%
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    Paleo is not LOW carbs, is GOOD carbs. Lower carbs per standard diet, yes, but not Low Carbs like, let`s say, Atkins. You can still eat plently of fruits and veggies, potatoes, nuts...
    That said, I do not follow Paleo. But I believe in it.
  • ldula88
    ldula88 Posts: 169 Member
    Paleo is an amazing way to live, I love it!!! That being said, Paleo is not necessarily low-carb. I personally eat under 50 g of carbs most days, with a 100 g day thrown in once a week, and it has been very effective for weight loss. When I reach maintenance, however, I plan to up my intake to 100-150 g carbs per day. Paleo is just awesome because you eat whole, natural, healthy foods, and you stay full so much longer eating healthy fats and protein than when a large percent of your macros come from carbs. And for those who insist that a calorie is a calorie- not totally true. I can't believe foods full of chemicals and preservatives are just as healthy as those that are natural, no matter how many calories they are. Sure, a calorie deficit eating only processed junk food will still lead to weight loss, but your body will not thank you in the long run. Your body can tell the difference, and you'll definitely feel the difference of a whole foods approach. Good Luck!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Paleo is not LOW carbs, is GOOD carbs. Lower carbs per standard diet, yes, but not Low Carbs like, let`s say, Atkins. You can still eat plently of fruits and veggies, potatoes, nuts...
    That said, I do not follow Paleo. But I believe in it.

    My Klondike bars are great carbs.. can't think of a better carb.

    OP, it's all about calories. If you aren't losing weight, then I would question how you are measuring calories. Paleo is a bit extreme as it requires you to cut foods for no reason. The fact is, fat loss is all about calories in vs out and muscle retention is more about protein intake and exercise.

    But if you do want to do low carb, it's safe.
  • mreimer102
    mreimer102 Posts: 28 Member
    Too much carbs has an effect on my diet. I was at a plateau and increased my food intake; did not walk for about a week, and all of the sudden, I started losing again. We need to trick our body when we get stalled. I go up and down, but keep losing; so I am happy and don't get affected by the bounce in the scale.