new to community

Hello everyone

I am new to MFP, and am looking to add some weight loss buddies to have a support system. I am new to this whole eating healthy and excercising. As a teenager and young adult, I never had to worry about dieting, because I always stayed within a healthy weight range for my height. In 2006 I let the stresses of life get the better of me, and as a result I became a recluse and food was my best friend. It didn't take long for me to pack on 40 pounds and then the weight just stayed there. I just gave birth to my 2nd child, a son, in June of this year, so I am also looking to lose the extra 25-30 or so pounds from that as well. (Sorry for the huge run-on sentence)
If you would be interested in sharing in my journey, I would like to share in yours also. This website is a great tool, and being accountable for what you eat is the 1st step in a successful weight loss program. Good luck to everyone out there!!


  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome to the site. You have came to a great place to get support and motivation. Please if I can help just ask and I will do what I can. God Bless, brenda