newbie needing encouragement and friendly faces :)

Hi guys. I'm Marie, 23 and currently a uk size 16-18. I use to be a size 10 and I'm trying to get back to that! I use to think I could eat what I want and get away with it but sadly that isn't the case so 4 stone later, here I am. I didn't realise how much weight I had actually put on until I saw a recent holiday pic of me right beside an old one and that's made me say
enough is enough! I would love my to get my confidence and figure back and it would be great
to meet some nice people along the way so I know I'm not alone in this! :)


  • poohbear1958
    poohbear1958 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi Marie, you are not alone with this, I log in every day with an open diary so feel free to add me for support :smile:
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    You're welcome to add me.
  • I think old pictures are one of the biggest eye openers to many of us. That's what spurred me to start up again. Good luck on your journey and if you need help just message me. Holidays are had to do especially since so many things seem to be centered around food; Christmas cookies and dinner with family you can do this!
  • Thank you for replying, I will add you both :) and old pictures are definitely encouraging, and also seeing old friends, especially when they point out your weight gain...ouch! But it's an eye opener :laugh:
  • Hi Marie!

    I just joined today, my name is Julian, from the US. I'm looking to add some more friends on here and be around a community with common goals. Wish you the best in your weight loss goals :)
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Marie,
    i'm Jenny. I've been using MFP for 16 months now.
    I gained over 100 pounds when I got pregnant with my twins. Someone introduced me to MFP after my youngest was born and is has been great. If you have any questions I'll do my best to help.
  • EileenHJ
    EileenHJ Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Marie,

    Im on here every day too ....Feel free to add me, We all struggle from time to time and the people on here are great to keep you going. They are very encouraging ...

    Together we can do this
  • EileenHJ
    EileenHJ Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Julian

    Feel free to add me... We all need support!

  • kinzieplatt
    kinzieplatt Posts: 81 Member
    feel free to add me and ill help you the best i can !

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hi there! Welcome and best of luck. I'm sure you'll find this site helpful! I've been here a long time!! :)
  • Hello, welcome . what eating and exercise program are you on now? I changed my way of eating and switched to Paleo and whole30, basically you do not eat any kind of grains, no alcohol, no red or white potatoes, no sugars in any form and no beans..I started in July 2013 and lost so far 22 pounds and exercise for 30 minutes a day for five days. I was 150 and now I weigh 128
  • JenLakersFan
    JenLakersFan Posts: 26 Member

    Yeah I definitely know how you feel. I didn't think I gained so much weight until I saw 1-2 recent photos of myself from hangouts with a friend. Felt very discouraged at first... but I'm glad I didn't give up on myself. Been doing quite well myself lately. I hope you enjoy your time here at MFP! And good luck on your weight loss journey :) You are not alone in this!
  • Thanks for all your replies! Ive added and messaged you all :D x
  • This site is great to keep tack of things, and there are a lot of awesome people on here for support. I'll add you for sure!
  • newsharonkay
    newsharonkay Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Marie, you are not alone with this, I log in every day with an open diary so feel free to add me for support :smile:

    Me too!!!
  • Good luck and welcome. Feel free to add me ..I'll be logged in (almost) everyday so it'd be good to check in now and then and check out how well you're doing :)
  • escape06rita
    escape06rita Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm Rita from Missouri, USA. I started my lifestyle change in January of 2013. Through the Mapmyfitness and the Mapmywalk apps on my smartphone, I have lost 56 lbs and have went from a size 18 to a size 10. I have also went from wearing a size 1X in tops and sweaters to a Medium. I am a 54 year old Grandma who wanted to change from my previous unhealthy lifestyle! Remember, have one cheat day every week! I have also walked/ran two 5K's, a 6K, and a 10K, all in 2013! I feel so good! Good luck to you! You can do it! :smile: