Any suggestions for rewards?

AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I have almost met my personal small goal which is at 290. I'm at 291 right now and holding.,.

Im thinking of a small reward for myself.. But not sure what I Want to do.

Ive thought of buying a new shirt (because a shirt will fit longer than new pants since Im losing weight), getting my nails done, or getting my hair done.

Not sure which I should do for the 290 mark. Looking for suggestions..

What are some rewards youve given yourself in the past?


  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    A spa pedicure is always something I love to treat myself with. If that's not your thing, maybe a massage or spa treatment of some kind. Something you have never tried before. Take a friend to celebrate with you!

    Hope this helps!
  • iamdesiderata
    iamdesiderata Posts: 95 Member
    oh the predictable, i took myself shopping for new clothes that fit my new weight, i bought some books, i signed up for a yoga class with my friends that i wanted to do, got a new camera lens.....

    .....just make sure that reward isnt food! ive been teaching myself that the good things in life arent always about how good it tastes.

    keep up the great work!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Congrats on being one pound away from your goal!

    I'm a beauty fiend, so my rewards have been pedicures, or a new nail polish, lip gloss, or eyeshadow. Those things will always look great on you no matter how much weight you lose and how your body changes.

    OR, if you want something that will remind you of your journey, what about getting yourself a charm bracelet? There's this company called Pandora that makes gorgeous charms that are more like little bits of glass jewelry than an enameled icon. Check them out - I think that would be a great keepsake that you could look at whenever you need a little reminder.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks ladies.. I love the ideas.. Im trying to get ideas around for when I can go do it.. :) I need something for ME.. Probably next week.. I hope.. I will go do it.. And im plan to not make a "food related" treat. part of my rewards.. :) I treat myself ever so often to something so that I dont WANT it all the time.. I have got to the point whree I cant eat alot of certain things.. Like Fries.. bleh.. or Hashbrowns.. Bleh.. Too much grease.. I cant handle the grease.. Gross! I might as well drink a glass of oil, if im going to eat them.. ehh. I cant eat too many sweets, because they give me a stomach ache.. I had a glass of my hubbys kool aid last night.. Super sweet and it made me sick.. ehh..
  • Buy a heart rate monitor - then whenever you burn calories you give yourself a smile !
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I totally treat myself every 10 lbs. It helps keep me motivated. :) So far at 20 lbs lost I dyed my hair a new color, 30 lbs lost I got myself a new pair of sandals, at 40 lbs I got myself a new blouse, and when I hit 50 lbs lost my boyfriend and I are going to drive the 2 or so hours to Lake Tahoe and pend the day at the lake. :) I've promised myself a bike at 100 lbs. lol And though I'm not really a tattoo person I'm getting one when I reach goal weight (losing 245 lbs). The Sweetie has promised to take me to LA when I reach goal and get a tattoo by Kat Von D (famous tattoo artist from the show LA Ink) as long as she's still doing tattoos by then. If not I guess I'll have to settle for someone else inking me. I have to think up a totally rad design celebrating my accomplishment.

    I posted this on your profile but thought I'd post here to maybe give others some ideas too. :D *hugs*
  • Hotabs
    Hotabs Posts: 41 Member
    <a href=""><img src="; border="0" alt="Calorie Counter"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:226px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Free Weight Loss</a> Tools</small></p>

    CongratulTions on your weight loss bril well done. What about a pair of shoes and going out to a new club or wine bar get dressed up get a cab there & back with yr hubby or if single go with your mates. The place will be new for you so you can reinvent youself.
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    I was just thinking - I would love to buy myself a pedometer for one of my rewards. I wonder if they have ones that keep track of the speed your walking? (I don't know anything about them) I work retail on the weekends and it would be great to know how many steps I take and calories I burn! :)
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    OR, if you want something that will remind you of your journey, what about getting yourself a charm bracelet? There's this company called Pandora that makes gorgeous charms that are more like little bits of glass jewelry than an enameled icon. Check them out - I think that would be a great keepsake that you could look at whenever you need a little reminder.

    Oh this is a great idea!! I might have to check this out!!! :)
  • With every 10 lbs I do 1st 10 lbs I did a facial at the 2nd 10 lbs i did a body souffle at the next 10 lbs i'm going shopping for a few new clothes....etc.....i do daily goals as well....if i stay under calorie goal and i work out, i do a face mask/hair mask etc.....i treat myself to a movie weekly goal, if i'm consisten all week, i treat myself to a restaurant i love etc.....
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I totally treat myself every 10 lbs. It helps keep me motivated. :) So far at 20 lbs lost I dyed my hair a new color, 30 lbs lost I got myself a new pair of sandals, at 40 lbs I got myself a new blouse, and when I hit 50 lbs lost my boyfriend and I are going to drive the 2 or so hours to Lake Tahoe and pend the day at the lake. :) I've promised myself a bike at 100 lbs. lol And though I'm not really a tattoo person I'm getting one when I reach goal weight (losing 245 lbs). The Sweetie has promised to take me to LA when I reach goal and get a tattoo by Kat Von D (famous tattoo artist from the show LA Ink) as long as she's still doing tattoos by then. If not I guess I'll have to settle for someone else inking me. I have to think up a totally rad design celebrating my accomplishment.

    I posted this on your profile but thought I'd post here to maybe give others some ideas too. :D *hugs*

    Thanks Stacy.. Those are some nice rewards.. :) Im thinking of a tattoo at some point in time.. Ive been wanting to do one in honor of my daddy who passed away in 2005..
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    <a href=""><img src="; border="0" alt="Calorie Counter"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:226px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Free Weight Loss</a> Tools</small></p>

    CongratulTions on your weight loss bril well done. What about a pair of shoes and going out to a new club or wine bar get dressed up get a cab there & back with yr hubby or if single go with your mates. The place will be new for you so you can reinvent youself.

    Im going to do that in October.. :) When we all go out for our birthday.. :) Going to get new shoes.. and outfit.. :) Got that to look forward to.. Thats part of why I wanna lose more weight.. Going out on the 21st.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I was just thinking - I would love to buy myself a pedometer for one of my rewards. I wonder if they have ones that keep track of the speed your walking? (I don't know anything about them) I work retail on the weekends and it would be great to know how many steps I take and calories I burn! :)

    I have a pedometer.. Its a cheap one but its a pedometer.. :)
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I am hooked on the Walk away the pound workouts and at the beginning I would reward myself with a new WATP workout every 5 lbs lost. I have lots of them now! :smile: Then when I lost more I started doing clothes since I was running out of stuff to wear. Consignment shops are great places for that. You don't have to spend a lot of money since you won't be wearing them that long.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    If I've had a good week made all my workouts and if I'm not working or at sea, on Sunday evening I smoke a good cigar and watch the ball game.
    rewarding yourself is posstive reinforcement and it good your not using food.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Rather than buying some chocolate or chips or something I really don't need, I'll get myself a new pair of slacks for work (most of mine are borderline pooh-pants right now :laugh: :tongue: ) or a new blouse (like someone else mentioned, it's likely to fit you longer than slacks), or a new pair of shoes - while I've never been a huge shoe person, most of my heels for work are falling apart since they're "fake-leathery" style: I decided that it's worth it to spend a bit extra on real leather since they last longer and look nicer.

    I'll also get something for our house (right now we're redoing out library, so I need to get curtains, throw pillows, etc.)
    Since I'm working out and losing weight, most of my workout pants and tops are getting either too big or too used, so once every 4-6wks I buy myself a new workout outfit: keep in mind, you don't have to spend a lot to get something nice: I go to the discount places like ROSS, TJ MAXX, Marshals or even the clearance section in JC Penny's or Macy's and spend maybe $10-$15 on slacks/shirt & believe it or not, the most I've spent on a new pair of leather heels in the last several years was $40 (BCBGeneration, retail over $100!). It takes time to find something nice, but I also have fun trying on smaller sizes and get super-excited when I try something on that I didn't really think would fit & find out it's actually too big! :happy:
    Congrats on the weight loss & keep it up (or down:tongue: )
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Shoes!! :laugh: enough said, i'm a shorewhore and proud of it, any excuse to buy a new pair of kicks and i'm all over it.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Rather than buying some chocolate or chips or something I really don't need, I'll get myself a new pair of slacks for work (most of mine are borderline pooh-pants right now :laugh: :tongue: ) or a new blouse (like someone else mentioned, it's likely to fit you longer than slacks), or a new pair of shoes - while I've never been a huge shoe person, most of my heels for work are falling apart since they're "fake-leathery" style: I decided that it's worth it to spend a bit extra on real leather since they last longer and look nicer.

    I'll also get something for our house (right now we're redoing out library, so I need to get curtains, throw pillows, etc.)
    Since I'm working out and losing weight, most of my workout pants and tops are getting either too big or too used, so once every 4-6wks I buy myself a new workout outfit: keep in mind, you don't have to spend a lot to get something nice: I go to the discount places like ROSS, TJ MAXX, Marshals or even the clearance section in JC Penny's or Macy's and spend maybe $10-$15 on slacks/shirt & believe it or not, the most I've spent on a new pair of leather heels in the last several years was $40 (BCBGeneration, retail over $100!). It takes time to find something nice, but I also have fun trying on smaller sizes and get super-excited when I try something on that I didn't really think would fit & find out it's actually too big! :happy:
    Congrats on the weight loss & keep it up (or down:tongue: )

    Thanks for the suggestions.. I love the "household" suggestions.. My hubby and I just moved in on our own in June.. and Im all for making the place look cute.. :) hehe.. Im always cleaning and hes always saying I clean too much.. But I can stand a dirty house and it helps with my calories.. :) yay!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Shoes!! :laugh: enough said, i'm a shorewhore and proud of it, any excuse to buy a new pair of kicks and i'm all over it.

    haha.. maybe ill become one once Im more comfortable with the way I look.. Im not uncomfortable.. But Ive been thru a phase where I dont care what I wear or how i look when I should.. the good times are coming.. Once I make it to the size I wanna be im going to do a complete makeover and wardrobe.. :) Icant wait.. I need to start saving money for then.. :) hehe!
  • Hotabs
    Hotabs Posts: 41 Member
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    Cool glad yr going out some where nice. I have a wedding to look forward to in December. So we need to keep on track. Good luck.
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