The magical disappearing stretch marks

soozy_q Posts: 56 Member
I was concerned how I was going to get rid of my stretch marks as they were quite red and there was a lot of them. I never moisturize normally so I thought I would give that a go first. Did an all over body moisutization, once. Couple of days later there are no red stretch marks, in fact I could barely even see them, i had to squint really hard. How is it possible that moisturizing once would have such an amazing effect.


  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    It's more your body than moisturizing, thank your mama for the good genes.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I don't know what a full body moisturization is, but though, stretch marks once they're there won't go away. You can kind of hope to get rid of the new ones, but it all depends on your skin type. I've always had stretch marks, and even though I wasn't obese and I didn't lose a terrible amount of weight I'm still full of them. I have stretch marks in points in which I wasn't even that fat. So it's really subjective...
  • I don't know how this is possible... but they are gone, that's what matters!! <3