My weight won't go below 146 lbs



  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    How tall are you? Have you had your thyroid levels checked?

    I'm 5.3" and my thyroid levels (as well as everything else) gets checked a couple of times a year. All within normal. I'm totally puzzled over this stalling aspect.

    Just a little side note: Why would you check a healthy thyroid a " couple of times " a year ? I have no funtioning thyroid at all due to radiation from cancer and only got it checked twice a year during the last five years and of 2014 only once a year..

    I had a high CK level last year and my thyroid was checked twice to make sure it wasn't a contributing factor.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Woah, woah, woah. If you are 22% body fat at 146, you do NOT have another 20 pounds left on you to lose (at least not without sacrificing a lot of lean body mass in the process).

    113.88 lbs lean body mass and 32.12lbs fat, about 19 of those essential (13% for women). Your goal of 18% is only a loss of 9-10 lbs.

    I thought I was 5'2". Turns out I am 5'1" so 146 lbs is heavy on my frame. 120 lbs would be good for my joints and mobility and where I have always felt most comfortable.

    The 22% was measured with calipers by the PT. I understand it is not the most accurate way of testing BF so I give the 22% some wiggle room. I will get tested again for BF in a couple of months. We'll see how that goes.

    I've kept up strength training to preserve muscle mass and work on adding more weights as I progress. I really am not thin! I have no eating disorders nor do I have a distorted body image. I'm very realistic about my weight and my goal is health and fitness, not vanity. I'm way past the age where you believe the only way to get a man is with a thin body!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    22% bf is excellent for in your 40s. You can maybe get lower but it won't be for increased health.

    YOU look awesome!! I have to know how you did it.

    I'd like to get to 18% BF. I don't know that I will but it's what my goal is.

    Um, are you talking to me?! My BF% tested by DEXA is about 27%. You are much leaner than I am.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Have you tried IF? That has kept me at a steady weight for the past few months. (I'm 45, 5'5, 132 lbs and 18.6% BF.) I gained the "Christmas 5" and it was gone within three days of being back to daily fasting. Check out
  • SheFitWalks
    SheFitWalks Posts: 29 Member
    I would like to just follow this thread since it's difficult when I get stuck. I got stuck for over a month. Weight just like yours and bouncing up and down. (between 140 and 142.5...went to 144 one day.)

    Funny thing that happened to me with the weight loss kicking back in. During the holidays I kept to my calorie count; then my daughter just got married this past weekend and I just could not track like I've been doing. One day I went 600 calories over my normal. (I was pretty concerned...thinking I was going to have work for a few weeks to drop the 1 or 3 extra pounds I was probably gaining.) I have only not tracked my calories for 2 or 3 days over the rehearsal day and the wedding day.

    I stepped on the scales this morning. I'm down to 138! (I even moved the scales to a different area of the floor thinking there was a mistake.) I really don't know how, unless it's like another poster said...sometimes you just have to trick your body.

    Oh, and I did not do any of my normal exercises for 3 days. (4 if you include Christmas Day.) I was very busy for 2 days though.

    I hope you can figure out how to get over this stall. :)
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    mrsbigmack: If you are at 27% there is no way I'm at 22%. Like I said, calipers are not the most accurate way to estimate BF.

    SheFitWalks: Congratulations! You mowed right through your plateau. A few other people also made the same suggestion i.e. stop counting for a little bit and cut out a day of exercise in order to change things up. Sounds like it worked in your case.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Have you tried IF? That has kept me at a steady weight for the past few months. (I'm 45, 5'5, 132 lbs and 18.6% BF.) I gained the "Christmas 5" and it was gone within three days of being back to daily fasting. Check out

    I don't know anything about IF. I will take a look at the website.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Sorry to hear you're still stalled. Did you end up taking a maintenance break?

    At this point I'll turn you over to Sara/Sidesteel-- they're more likely to get to the bottom of your problem than I am. I hope you find a solution soon!
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Hi please keep the faith & the number will take care of itself and will change when it's good and ready.

    I will post when I get home later a 12 month progression photo. I lost a mere 2.5 kg on the scale but my body made a huuuuuuge transformation!!

    I lost 33 kg all up in 2.5 years

    1. I would throw away that scale, it's too frustrating & what's the point.
    2. Take monthly photos !! Side on, front on. This is where you'll see your progression (while the scale is not moving)
    3. Take monthly measurements
    4. Take skin folds
    5. Listen to comments about your weight from people you haven't seen in a few months (my boss went away for an 8 week holiday and was amazed at how much weight I had lost. Scale had not moved but I lost fat & recomposed - i got thinner) he couldn't believe my loss didn't show up on the scale!!!!!
    6. If you are exercising and introduced weights your lbm will slowly be increasing, your bones, ligaments, tendons all getting stronger to cope with the new demands. Your body is redistributing.
    7. How are your clothes fitting. Buy a top a size too small with the aim to fit into it in 6-8 weeks time.
    8. Focus on performance goals for the athlete you have become
    9, Continue to log & weigh food

    I will post the transformation photo up later. Hang in their and have patience. :) The scale number isn't everything.

    One lady at work was a chubby 55 kg same height as me. I was 60 kg at the time and I looked lean and athletic but weighed 5 kg more than her. I lost another 3 kg after that day but it took a long long time.

    Be prepared for that scale to move slowly over the next12 months if you continue with your exercise regime!


    Well done on your 100 + pounds loss, that is freaking amazing!!!! Keep it up mate, have faith

    Oh also download venutos burn the fat feed the muscle. Very good ebook!! See ya
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Perfect! Thank you. I will read it now.

    I just want to get past this stuckness. I know it is mostly a mental game because I have lost a few inches but overall, I want to move past this number.

    Hi,  I didn't see this post of yours until just now. I was in a hurry, had to get to work & failed to see it. 

    You are not stuck, you have not platued !  You mention you have lost inches, & in your next reply you mention you had to buy a size smaller clothes size. You definitely have not stalled. Like I was saying in my other post your body is recomposing!  Fat is melting off of you but because of the demands of a new type of exercise your progress won't always show up on the scale. You also commented that you have noticed you have firmed & your body is starting to tighten! There you go!!! Everything is going to plan!

    That's all the proof you need you are progressing!

    Seriously... Please look into throwing that scale in the bin. I'm dead serious! It's actually getting you down because and  im trying not to sound mean but the scale and the scale number is all you seem to be concerned about/& focussed on. It will get too discouraging for you if you continue to weigh yourself all the time.

    If you want that scale number to go down ASAP then just quit all exercise eat vlcd & end up skinny fat and a low scale number.

    If you had a choice would you choose to end up at 125 pounds & 30% body fat or end up at 135 pounds & 18% body fat ?
    You would pick the 135 because you would look nicely toned as you have a good amount of lbm. I know what I'd pick!

    I ended up getting to 57 kg in August 2012, then I fluctuated up and down between 57 - 59.5 kg until January 2013 & thats where I stayed. When I got to 61 kg in December 2011 I realised I was in for a marathon session to lose the last few kg's & I stopped worrying about what the scale said & noticed my progress using other methods, taking frontal & side shot photos, measurements, how your clothes fit, what friends & acquaintances say when they haven't seen you in a few months (see if they comment that they reckon you've lost weight!!)

    Is there someone that you haven't seen in a few months?? Meet up with the friend & notice their reaction when they first see you after a while. Also dont mention anything about how you are so happy that you have lost more weight. Hear it from the horses mouth. You want the comment to come from them with ought you putting the idea in their mind. I can remember I felt like I was flying blind some of the time because I wasn't sure I was progressing & photos are a gradual thing same as measurements, so the best confirmation that I received to know I was progressing was to see someone I hadn't seen in a few months. Also measurements wouldn't always change for me but I new I was losing fat when I would try on the 1 size too small fitted top each month. That's how you know you are succeeding.

    Oh another thing.  When was the last time you weighed 120 pounds? Because if it was a long time ago then it may not be realistic to get back to that same weight. You may find the number you get to is 130. But I can understand how you want to feel lighter because it will help your joint. For me after I did my latest bulk and I'm 41 years old I got to 66.2 kg & felt pretty much the same as I did weighing the lowest I got to which was 57 kg. I put on 9kg in 9 months during my unintentional bulk I did. I think I would have put on at least 2 kg of muscle. I'll be really interested to see what scale number I end up as. I've lost 3.5 kg in 8 weeks which is an ideal loss for me. I wouldn't be surprised if my scale weight settles at 59, as I have increased my lbm. I'm really quite excited to see what kind of definition I'll have in around 7 more months. 

    I'll find a couple of links for you tommorow that will explain some things further. Just remember you are progressing, youve done a great job these past 4 months & throw that dam scale out, it's doing more harm than good! Believe me when you are in your last stages of weight loss it seriously takes forever. Just keep persevering & show that determination & grit you've shown over the months years you've lost you 100 + pounds. You should be so proud of yourself for how far you have come.

    I got your message. I'm glad I have encouraged you! You can do it. Just keep plugging away :)
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    I am 5'4 1/2" and after stalling for almost two months after I started exercising a little more everyday plus raising my caloric intake by 500 calories (from 1200 to 1700) the weight started to come off. It came off slooooowly but it did come off!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    ajcmoran that is very encouraging to hear as I am planning on bumping up calories because my workouts don't go well on a lower caloric intake. I got the BodyMedia in the mail today and I am so excited because I will finally get a good estimate of what I burn on a daily basis!

    Kim your posts are so lovely and positive. I actually found a thread you started on getting your BMR tested and how that gave you so much more to work with. QuietBloom mentioned it yesterday so that is something I now want to get done. I have no idea where to go but I will research it.

    All of you on this thread are such a wonderful and warm group of people. I cannot thank you enough for your support.
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    Believe me, it is so frustrating sticking to what you think is right and not having the scale move AT ALL. I was really nervous about going up in calories because it didn't make any sense but it really worked. Now I'm up to between 1800-1900 calories and I still lose about 1/2 pound a week. I was grouchy and tired only eating 1200 calories a day too!
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    Maybe you need more rest.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Kim your posts are so lovely and positive. I actually found a thread you started on getting your BMR tested and how that gave you so much more to work with. QuietBloom mentioned it yesterday so that is something I now want to get done. I have no idea where to go but I will research it.

    All of you on this thread are such a wonderful and warm group of people. I cannot thank you enough for your support.

    Your welcome!

    I forgot to mention something else important. I was in defecit from April 2010 - January 2013 and for some of the months i would eat at a moderate defecit being 20% defecit and then when I felt like I needed a bit of a break from the 20% defecit , I would eat slightly below/or at maintenance

    Here is what happened to me:

    When I ate at 20% defecit I lost scale weight and measurements.
    It was a faster process

    When I ate at maintenance/slightly below maintenance I lost measurements. (no scale weight)
    It was a slower way to go. Very successful but just slower

    Read Lyall Mcdonald body recomposition. If you haven't actually lost scale weight in the past 4 months then maybe you are eating closer to maintenance than you think.

    I would continue if I were you to do your exercise program for a couple more months to see if it's the new exercise that has caused the scale to stop moving or if it's because your recomping. Maybe once your body gets over the shock of the new exercise regime the scale will start to move again. So I guess it's wait and see.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Thank to this tread, I became to believe that I have been eating at my maintenance level all along..because I haven't lost any single pound for over a year...although my body fat dropped and my six packs are clearly visible. I will fine tune my diet again...
  • allen_ac
    allen_ac Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Phaedra, just came across your post, this is my first time posting something but I'd like to give you some insight and my own experiences in the matter, however i have not dealt with such an extreme weight loss as yourself so congratulations on all the hard work and continuation with consistency.

    Those who are telling you that you need to increase your calories or have a diet break are probably right.


    So this is from personal experience... (not that important so skip passed it down to my suggestions)

    At the peak of my fat loss, i was consuming about 1500 calories a day, keep in mind, this was down from 3000-3500 a day, with my maintenance originally being about 2700 calories (I'm a male btw) by the time i got to 1500 calories in a 4 month period, i hit a plateau hard, and i was also doing cardio most days on top of the deficit along with 6-7 days a week of heavy weight training. I hadn't lost almost any weight in 3 weeks of doing that.

    After going on a holiday, for 3 weeks onwards starting from my holiday (i track calories everyday no matter what), i was consuming 3000-4500 a day, up from 1500 which was my low point, i had stopped all activity, no cardio no weight training for 3 weeks since i didn't have access to it. In those 3 weeks, i gained about 5 pounds, buit only took me about 1.5 weeks to get back to my weight pre-holiday, and my maintenance is now up to 2400 and I'm able to lose weight on anything less than 2400


    Not only is your maintenance calories not a static number, but especially when you've been in a caloric deficit for too long, it really messes with your metabolism and such. So whilst you may believe your maintenance to be 1600 per se, your metabolism may have adapted beacuse of your prolonged deficit - and considering you've been doing this for weeks on the same numbers with no success, then all is likely.

    There are a couple ways i think you can go about this

    1) A real break from diet, not just a couple hundred calorie increase here and there, but i mean a full on break for a week or two. Be prepared to gain a couple pounds but in the long term for your health and such, you make that sacrifice to achieve your future goals, you will be happy you did so. You maybe skeptical at first but it can be well worth it. Any extra poundage you gain from 149+ should be easy to work off once you go back to your deficit, but keep in mind if you don't do this all out (like consuming a extra 200 cals vs 600+++cals per day) you won't reap the benefits and you will probably be less satisfied with the end result.

    2) A carb refeed day (cheat day) - Basically a more planned out cheat day which you choose to purposely go over your current deficit, mainly through carbohydrates with your fats and protein being pretty similar as it would in your normal deficit. Apologies if you are already doing this as I didn't go through all 7 pages of posts but basically if you're not doing this already, you need to incorporate this weekly or 10 day cycles, just have it there.

    The point of carb refeed days other than keeping someone sane throughout their prolonged diet is that it replenishes your muscle glycogen, probably give you some boost in energy for your workouts, may help you burn more calories and retain muscle mass. Again in some cases (depending on how much you go over your calories) that you gain a little weight, but nothing that won't be detrimental to your goals, it's also possible that you eat 600 up to 1000 extra calories on that day and not gain any fat off it.

    If you're doing this already, than you may have to resort to #1

    In any case, i hope this all works out for you, remember not to give up and keep training hard as we all strive to be fitter and healthier for our future. Good luck!
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Thank to this tread, I became to believe that I have been eating at my maintenance level all along..because I haven't lost any single pound for over a year...although my body fat dropped and my six packs are clearly visible. I will fine tune my diet again...

    But you don't need to tune your diet!! Just keep doing exactly what you have been doing. Who cares that you didn't lose a pound! You have had wonderful success! Your body fat dropped & your ABS are visible now !! Visible 6 pack abs.........VISIBLE ! :)

    Did you take regular photos from 12 month ago to today ? I would love to see the transformation photos !!!! I would kill to see my 6 pack!!

    I'm not directing this just at you but what I've noticed on here is far too much obsession with that scale number.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Thank to this tread, I became to believe that I have been eating at my maintenance level all along..because I haven't lost any single pound for over a year...although my body fat dropped and my six packs are clearly visible. I will fine tune my diet again...

    But you don't need to tune your diet!! Just keep doing exactly what you have been doing. Who cares that you didn't lose a pound! You have had wonderful success! Your body fat dropped & your ABS are visible now !! Visible 6 pack abs.........VISIBLE ! :)

    Did you take regular photos from 12 month ago to today ? I would love to see the transformation photos !!!! I would kill to see my 6 pack!!

    I'm not directing this just at you but what I've noticed on here is far too much obsession with that scale number.

    thank you Kim for the kind words. The picture on my profile was taken a couple of weeks ago although it was just one arm. :)

    I know, right? by now I should really care less about the number on the scale but...I can't; it has been in my head since I remember. I was a chubby kid and till now I still see myself so in the mirror. I don't wear swimsuit so killer abs means not as much as you would think...I look bulky with clothes on and that's why. :)
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Just wanted to say that my weight did end up moving down. I've lost 4 pounds since I first posted on this thread. I can't exactly pinpoint what I've done so far but it could be a combination of:

    Drinking an extra 2 cups of water.

    Sticking to a range of 100 to 110 gr. of carbs (I never was a big carb consumer anyway).

    Jogging and extra mile or two per week.

    Increasing my calories to 1350 but not eating exercise calories back. This I don't think I can stick too. I need more calories in me but, for now, I've moved past 146 pounds.

    It's going to take some more tweaking, adding, removing, to find that sweet spot where I go back to losing steadily every week. I've also dropped a few inches since I first posted on this thread.

    What I've gained:

    I've gained several of the kind, sweet, patient, supportive, encouraging posters who replied to this thread as MFP friends. Without their daily rallying around me the four-pound loss would have been even harder.