Weight training question



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Doing 100 reps is pretty much a waste of time...if you want to work on endurance/muscular endurance just do some circuit type training. The results will be better and more efficient than trying to do 100s of reps in the weight room.

    8-12 rep range is good for hypertrophy (i.e. building muscle)...but really, that's going to give you the toned look...it's going to give you a nice physique. Most woman cannot "bulk" and certainly not by accident. It is difficult for men with half way decent genetics to bulk and requires strict adherence to a body building regimen and strict adherence to diet (including surplus calories).

    Just go work an actual program that is progressively intelligent and enjoy your "toned" *kitten*.
  • junlex123
    junlex123 Posts: 81 Member
    As I looked for pictures, I see the dilemma. So here is what I don't want. I guess it isn't bulky that I mean but more so, I don't want to look muscular. I know I won't have the huge muscles! So here are some more pictures but these are what I DON'T want to look like.





    To look like those pictures requires a) a very low bodyfat % after multiple bulk/cut cycles b) a very, very intense workout regimen with chemical assistance in some cases c) appropriate lighting and makeup to highlight the musculature d) being pumped in some of those cases so that the muscles are saturated with blood - a state they won't occupy in everyday activity.

    In short, it's not something you can have accidentally happen to you; you have to want that look and be prepared to work extremely hard to attain it.
  • lol at anyone, especially women, accidentally getting bulky at a calorie deficit without drugs.

    Some people don't know this because they listen to what "they" say. Look at all the women who pedal their fitness DVD's who talk about how women shouldn't lift heavy because they'll explode into muscles and become bulky. It's that kind of philosophy from 'trusted' people that is confusing. Also, it sounds to me like the OP is a bit new at this and is looking for honest answers, not snark.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    As I looked for pictures, I see the dilemma. So here is what I don't want. I guess it isn't bulky that I mean but more so, I don't want to look muscular. I know I won't have the huge muscles! So here are some more pictures but these are what I DON'T want to look like.





    #1 - I would not consider that bulky at all. She has put in a lot of intense work and has a low BF% to have her muscles that defined.

    #2 - same as above but also more than likely she is 'chemically enhanced' so unless you are on gear, you do not have to worry about ever looking like that.

    #3 - she is also not natty, and puts a lot of work in and has a very low BF also.

    #4 - quite likely 'enhanced' also.

    Basically, unless you take gear, have very intensive workout routine and get down to a very low BF%, you will not look like that.

    ETA: also as the poster a couple above me mentioned - they will have been 'shopped', pumped and tanned to look like that for their shoots.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    lol at anyone, especially women, accidentally getting bulky at a calorie deficit without drugs.

    Some people don't know this because they listen to what "they" say. Look at all the women who pedal their fitness DVD's who talk about how women shouldn't lift heavy because they'll explode into muscles and become bulky. It's that kind of philosophy from 'trusted' people that is confusing. Also, it sounds to me like the OP is a bit new at this and is looking for honest answers, not snark.

    You sound fun . . .

    1/10 would avoid at parties
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    You're an untrained beginner, how you train won't make a difference for a while. What will make a difference is your training progress and consistency. Look into New Rules Of Lifting For Women, StrongLifts 5x5, Starting Strength, Ice Cream Fitness, Greyskull LP or any other well-established, beginner-level program with linear progression (i.e., adding weight to the bar every workout), pick one you like and stick with it. Don't try to make your own routine; programming is a science and there are knowledgable people out there who've made programs available that deliver optimal results for people in your position. Stay away from machines; learn the big compound barbell lifts, instead (squat, deadlift, press, bench, rows, clean.)

    And don't worry about "looking too muscular." Do you think the first few years of piano lessons for a 5 year-old are any different depending on whether or not she wants to be a concert pianist one day? Would you tell your driving instructor "I don't want to accidentally wind up racing in NASCAR"? Of course not. Again, you're an untrained beginner; you really won't have to worry about becoming an elite-level bodybuilder for quite some time, if at all.
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    What he said.

    Also, OP, pics 2-4 are women who are on steroids. Pic 1 is a woman at like 10-12% bodyfat.
  • discern82
    discern82 Posts: 17 Member
    Doing 100 reps is pretty much a waste of time...if you want to work on endurance/muscular endurance just do some circuit type training. The results will be better and more efficient than trying to do 100s of reps in the weight room.

    8-12 rep range is good for hypertrophy (i.e. building muscle)...but really, that's going to give you the toned look...it's going to give you a nice physique. Most woman cannot "bulk" and certainly not by accident. It is difficult for men with half way decent genetics to bulk and requires strict adherence to a body building regimen and strict adherence to diet (including surplus calories).

    Just go work an actual program that is progressively intelligent and enjoy your "toned" *kitten*.

    Thanks! Very informative! I'm excited!
  • discern82
    discern82 Posts: 17 Member
    You're an untrained beginner, how you train won't make a difference for a while. What will make a difference is your training progress and consistency. Look into New Rules Of Lifting For Women, StrongLifts 5x5, Starting Strength, Ice Cream Fitness, Greyskull LP or any other well-established, beginner-level program with linear progression (i.e., adding weight to the bar every workout), pick one you like and stick with it. Don't try to make your own routine; programming is a science and there are knowledgable people out there who've made programs available that deliver optimal results for people in your position. Stay away from machines; learn the big compound barbell lifts, instead (squat, deadlift, press, bench, rows, clean.)

    And don't worry about "looking too muscular." Do you think the first few years of piano lessons for a 5 year-old are any different depending on whether or not she wants to be a concert pianist one day? Would you tell your driving instructor "I don't want to accidentally wind up racing in NASCAR"? Of course not. Again, you're an untrained beginner; you really won't have to worry about becoming an elite-level bodybuilder for quite some time, if at all.

    Lol!!! Well-taken! The NASCAR comment was hilarious and really puts things into perspective. I'll look at the programs and pick on and get to work!!!
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    What the others said. You will find it hard to get bulky. If you bulk up easily please tell all the guys your secret ;)

    Stronglifts 5x5, Starting strength, new rules etc etc are all good programs to get you into lifting. Make sure you focus on correct form and proper warm ups (the "SST" app for iPhone works out your warm up sets wonderfully)
