Body Weight Exercise Question

Besides pull-ups, are there any body weight exercises that don't require any equipment for biceps?


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Depends on your definition of equipment. Can't really do a pull up without something to pull up on. Flagpoles and front levers will hit biceps along with many other muscles. Rope/pole climbs, ladder climbs/swings, etc. Need some sort of bar or structure to mess around with.
  • steve_mfp
    steve_mfp Posts: 170 Member
    I purchased 'You are your own gym' for my iDevice. Great app. Great workouts from Novice to Advanced for working without a gym.

    Some of the other exercises for biceps were doing pull-ups basically but using a table and while keeping your back straight pull your chest till it hits the table. You can use a towel and loop it around the inside and outside of the a door handle and basically do bent-rows using your body.

    Also for pull-ups you can do the various grips and forms to target more of the bicep or back.

    These exercises are great when you don't have a gym available.