I am just monitoring calories, not fat, sodium, etc.

Hi. I am keeping to the 1200 calories, but I am exceeding the other guidelines provided by MFP - fat, sodium, etc. It just isn't realistic for me to be able to keep to these. I feel that I would have to be eating just fruits and vegetables all day to adhere to those guidelines.

What I want to know is how many of you DO keep to these other criteria, and not just the calories?

Those who, like me, only count calories - do you feel like your weight loss is slower for not keeping fats, sodium, carbs down?

Thank you!!


  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    If I just ate fruit an veggie all day, I would most definitely not be hitting my guidelines according to MFP. I eat meat, dairy, whole grains, fruit, veggie and reserve a little for treats. I look at all the nutrients and make sure I'm getting fiber, the vitamins, calcium, iron. I never go over on sodium because I eat very little processed food. I don't worry too much about sugar, but I changed the settings so that I didn't have to see a red number every day.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I started just counting calories, but as I progressed, I started watching my other macro and micronutrients too. Now that I am at maintenance I focus on those numbers more than calories. As the other poster said, you can hit your macros eating a variety of foods.