Exercise Equipment at Home ??

Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
Happy Sunday Gang -

Question: I've been in the market to buy an elliptical or spin bike for my at-home workouts and I don't want to spend a ton of money. Schwinn (sp?) is my favorite bike brand and I like the LifeFitness ellipticals at my gym.

Do you guys have any recommendations/suggestions?? I'd like to keep my purchse under $300.00 but am willing to bend a little if the brands are that different and that much better.

Let me know what ya'll think! Thanks.


  • sadenniston
    sadenniston Posts: 96 Member
    I love my elliptical!! It's a Proform XP 600.

    Here's a discription on it!


    I got it at SEARS, it was on sale for $300 or $400, so not sure what the original price was. If you do get any exercise equipment, make sure you get the warranty. With the two ellipticals (including the one we have now) we've had to use the warranty because we used them so much that we broke one in half (which was a cheap one, where we just returned it and bought the one that we have now) and with the one we have now, we broke a piece and it would have cost us $260 to fix it if we didn't have the warranty. I think the warranty was only $50 more. So it's worth the extra money! Good luck on your search and hope you find one that works for you! Sears has a great selection!
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I'm on my second at home elliptical. I have had both Weslo elliptical trainers. They were about the same price but the newer one is a step up. I paid around $200. For the most part I think mine is pretty awesome for what it is. It has a couple of "smart programs" that will tell you if you're going too fast or slow etc. I got one at Kmart and this new one at Wal*Mart.. unfortunately. I'd rather not buy one from there but it was a good deal. Good luck!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Do you have a "Play it again sports" near you?

    I bought a $1000 elip for under $300 bux. They get the equip ppl like me buy and never use:sad:

    or the last bit of an old model..........which was mine and brand new!

    I used this all the time when I had room for it. Now I think I must put it somewhere to use it again. Hmmmm who shall I kick out?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    1401 Garnet Avenue, San Diego - (858) 490-0222
    "Play it again sports is a great place to shop ..."

    18 reviews, directions, hours, and more »

    Play It Again Sports - www.playitagainsports.com
    9841 Mira Mesa Boulevard, San Diego - (858) 695-3030
    "This store was great. Lost of sporting goods ..."

    9 reviews, directions, and more »
  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    Look on Craig'slist for your area. That's how I got my elipical. and I love it.
  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member
    I bought a Bowflex "TreadClimber" from Craigslist. I love it! It's like having a treadmill and an elliptical all-in-one.... I also have the Bowflex regular machine that I use for strength training. Plus my dvd's. If you have cable tv, look on "On-demand" for free workout sessions. They have some great programs all the time.
  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks Guys! Play It Again Sports sounds awesome! I will certainly check it out when I get home (I'm currently deployed in the military -heading home in a month). And I don't know why I didn't think of craigslist....I get so much stuff from that web site.

    Thanks for all the great advice...I never thought of a warrenty either....excellent point.
  • billgiersberg
    Hopefully you will find something you like on Craig's list. Play it Again also sounds good. The one thing I would urge you to do is consider spending a little more to get a higher quality machine. I was considering a tread mill but my son convinced me to get the Smooth Fitness CE 7.4. It was the right choice is so many ways. After using it for a couple of weeks, we were at a local sports warehouse and tried some of the models they had on display. ALL OF THEM were just awful. The linkage of most of them looked liked what you would find on an old steam locomotive. The movements were jerky and noisy. When we left, we knew we had a quality product at home even though it cost more than what we saw in that store. I use the 7.4 to warm-up and then move to strength training. The 7.4 actually seems to invite me to get started. That 5 minutes is key. It gets me into the garage and starts me out slowly and then I move onto strength. After strength, I generally finish my routine with 30 minutes of elliptical. It is quiet and allows me to watch TV or such and not the timer. The 7.4 even has my wife hooked and she has never done any training. She just feels comfortable on it. I hope what ever you get that you try it first. If it does not feel smooth, pass it up and save more money. Good luck.
  • JustBeckyV
    JustBeckyV Posts: 182
    I have a treadmill but want to get an elliptical too!!