How often will you eat at maintenance?

Hey there :) I was just wondering, possibly to give me some motivation here, but how often in your deficit (if ever) do you eat at maintenance? (sort of like a "cheat" day...but not really). I was thinking of taking a day or two out of the week to just go ahead and eat at maintenance, though if I'm correct being at a deficit long enough will lower your metabolism and thus your "maintenance" isn't really your maintenance anymore (or at least for the time being until you gradually up your calories.) I guess my question is, what are your thoughts on this? Do you take small breaks now and then or would it be best to just stay within the deficit? Thanks!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yes when I go out with my GF's or with a bunch of couples my goal is maintenance....doesn't always happen...typically over. Mind you this is not 2x a week it might be once a month....

    Over the holidays if I stay at Maintenance or below I will consider it a win.

    But I am almost a year in hit my inital goal weight (changed it 10lbs lower as I am not where I want to be) and might take a bit of a break in the new re-energize myself.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I personally did not do this very often at all when I was losing. I felt like it would open me up going overboard a little too often. I never had a super low calorie goal so I lost slowly and steadily. I have been maintaining my loss for almost two years.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    I like the idea, I used to have a "free day" once a week -- I think it helped me comply with my deficit the rest of the week and gave me that mental and physical break. I used to write down things I wanted to eat but was saving for my "cheat day" and even just knowing that I could have it in a few days helped a lot. I think the physiological benefit as far as metabolism, leptin reset, etc. is a little unclear but I definitely don't think it hurts, especially if you tend to be lower carb.

    I think it's just personal preference -- some people don't like to do it since they have trouble getting back on track afterwards, but for me I think it helped.
  • nrcornell
    Hi, I joined about 4 weeks ago and have lost 5.3 pounds. The only day I was off the 1200 calories was Thanksgiving and I only went 100 calories over my maintenance. I have been trying to lose weight for several years and tried everything including Weight Watchers which used to work when I was in my 20s and 30s. I got to the point where I prayed about it and was at one of my doctors and asked her what I should do. She told me she lost 20 pounds in 20 weeks! and told me about In fact, she whipped out her tablet and showed me. Then she said she figured she'd be hungry even if she wasn't on the diet. So she decided she'd put up with a little hunger. I don't know why, but that really encouraged me. so big deal, sometimes during the day I'm a little hungry. It goes away in about 15 or 20 minutes. So I started the myfitnesspal website and I am scrupulous about it. I can't believe all the calories I didn't count before. For example, even skim milk in my tea was 15 calories a cup. Well, after three or four cups that's 45 or 60 calories! And I was shocked at how much fruits like grapes and cantaloupe for petes sake had in them! If I put it in my mouth it got counted. First thing I do in the morning is go to the website and plan the day. It's amazing how I have to delete stuff or move it around. I even called Moes one night because our friends wanted to eat there and the guy told me to go on their website and build my dinner. I had a burrito bowl with about 333 calories (brought the slip of paper with me that I had written it down on) and indulged in 12 corn chips for another 120 calories I think it was. Anyway, I feel like the web site helps me to map out my day. I put in three snacks, mostly fruit or yogurt, or maybe popcorn and eat them between meals if I get really hungry. I want to lose thirty pounds so I figure I have another 25 weeks to go and then I'll inch up to maintenance. We can do it! So no, except for holidays I'm not going to eat maintenance. But I bet I'm going to pray a lot! :)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Considering you barely make 1200 calories most days and really have nothing to lose I'd say it's a great idea.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I have since the beginning of the month set myself on my maintenance calories for my goal weight in the hope to feel more relaxed about my Christmas eating.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    I eat at maintenance 1 to 3 times a month for date nights and nights out. But my regular calorie limit is 1650. So... I'm already at a high level. But I'm doing this nice and slow so I'm pretty happy with it. I've lost a grand total of 52lbs.