Hey everyone!!

sintaurist Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Just wanted to say hello to all of you!! Its nice to have a site to go to where lots of people are trying to accomplish the same thing. Kind of feels like we are all doing it together. I started this diet & exercise routine about 1 1/2 weeks ago on a whim. Wasn't really thinking about doing it, just decided when I woke up one morning I was going to start trying to lose weight. The first couple of days were rough because I was so used to just eating what I wanted when I wanted and as much as my body would hold. Cutting my calorie intake back and exercising daily I have already lost 14 pounds in the week and a half I have been on this. My wife seen my dedication and jumped on the train with me. I am concerned though, she has been on the diet exercise plan for 1 week and hasn't cheated at all. She has been keeping her calories under her goal everyday and exercising with me most of the time or at least doing the same amount of exercise as me per day but we weighed today and I have lost weight and she hasn't. She is very upset and I don't really know what to say to her other than I am sorry. I feel bad for her because she has been very dedicated to staying on track and has been super excited that she is doing so good and excited about losing the weight to weigh this morning and all her hard work has been for nothing. I don't get it. I know we are all different and we all lose weight different ways but I honestly don't know what to say or do. Can anyone offer any advice??


  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Welcome to you and your wife. I can be so frustrating when that happens. You said she was under her calories, make sure it is not to far under her calories, that can backfire your efforts. I don't know how other ladies are here but hormones can play a role as well. So just support her and hang in there. We are all here for the same purpose and we all have those times when things are just not moving on the scale. But she may be losing inches, and that is the best. Because new clothes are always fun.
  • atomicmom
    atomicmom Posts: 4 Member
    I am trying really hard jason. You are doing such a great job and looking so great. i am so proud of you
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