Holiday weight gain

I had lost approximately 105 lbs before the start of October. I have gained back about 30 lbs of that due to birthday and thanksgiving. I know I just need to get back in there but I am having a hard time getting back started. Can anyone give me some advice on getting those 30 lbs back off?


  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    That must have been one hell of a birthday and thanskgiving to make you gain 30 pounds.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    2 days, 30lbs?
    That doesn't add up. Even if you gained a pound a day for the month of November, is far fetched.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Can anyone give me some advice on getting those 30 lbs back off?

    Do what you did to lose the 105lbs. Obviously you know how to lose weight, it's just getting back on the wagon.

    Plan your meals, eat at a deficit and it will come off eventually.
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Hey, that is a big weight gain over less than 2 months - obviously some of that will be water weight, which will come off quickly again when you start to cut calories again; but such a big rebound weight gain makes me think maybe you were restricting too hard, and with too much of a deficit, when you lost that first 105 lbs, so as a result of that deprivation, now you can't stop eating.

    If you were running a big deficit last time, maybe you should have a smaller deficit this time? The weight will come off more slowly, but you won't feel as deprived.
  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
    I agree, if you gained 30lbs between October and November, that must have been a non-stop two-month party! I'd say, don't do what you did in October and November.
  • keltoi93
    keltoi93 Posts: 51 Member
    That must have been one hell of a birthday and thanskgiving to make you gain 30 pounds.

  • 2joshandles
    2joshandles Posts: 8 Member
    Sheesh, all of you with the negativity don't need to give advice with an attitude like that. Didn't your mom ever tell you if you can't say anything nice, keep your mouth shut?
    People trying to lose weight and keep their self esteem up don't need criticism or negative talk.
    EdRomeo, it's a temporary setback. I can se where 30 pds came from especially if you put booze in the mix, frosting, lots and lots of cake. Mine was butter. Got it on sale and lots of it and not used to having it in the house. It went on everything. But mostly I let my portion control go out the window.
    I too gained from Sept until now--10 pds, after losing 50 at Weight Watchers. I quit due to finances What I did was to stop counting my points and being lax in my choices. When I got on the scale and realized I was creeping back up to 199, I say WHOA, you remember how good it felt to get under 200 pounds? Well, you cannot go back there. I said I NEVER would.
    I'm back on track now but using MFP instead of WW.
    Tomorrow is another day.
    Take a pic of yourself and just start over. I put a pic of my heftier self on my frig and I saw it every time I went to the frig.
    Advice? Well, remember from where you came. Remember how great if felt to get into those smaller clothes. Remember your energy. Write that number you started at on your frig and look at it every time you open the door. I'm going to write 199 down because that's where I don't want to EVER EVER be again.
    Stay motivated, walk when you can, drink your water, and don't ever get down on yourself for a slip. It's one slip. Just don't let the slips become a pattern.
    You can get back on track. You are worth it.
  • 2joshandles
    2joshandles Posts: 8 Member
    just do it
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    First, he has to recognize that it was more than 2 days that caused a 30 pound weight gain. Losing weight requires brutal honesty with yourself, and he's not being honest with himself. You don't gain 30 pounds over 2 events.
  • Thanks for the advise. I am working on it. Started back eating right and working out. its starting to show up now and I know it will keep on if I do. Thanks again.