Wrote up a breakdown of goals - Sorry, longish post

I have a goal of 55-70kg as a final weight, There is a big range, as I will go by how I look and feel at the time. Eg if I'm nice and toned at close to 70, I will be happy there. I won't know until I get closer, as I haven't been even close to this range in my adult life.

I wrote up some mini goals, so it doesn't seem too overwhelming because I have sooo much to lose.I also wrote some rewards for myself, to have something (other than the weight loss, of course!) to look forward to and help keep me on track. I was thinking of having smaller rewards in between the bigger ones, as 10kg could feel far away and was looking for suggestions.

Here is what I have so far

Weight loss/ Fitness Goals and Rewards Time line

Goal I 130kg by 13th January – Reward: use Heaven on Earth(day spa) voucher

Goal II 120kg by 24th March – Reward: Go out for drinks after 30S2M concert

Goal III 110kg by 2nd June – Reward: Go to Gold Class

Goal IV 100kg by 11th August – Reward: Use RedBalloon voucher and have night in the city

Goal V 90kg by 20th October – Reward: Go horseback riding

Goal VI 80kg by 29th December – Reward: Have big night out for New Years Eve

Goal VII 70kg by 9th March – Reward: Do a learn to class surfing, archery, dancing etc.

Goal VIII 60kg by 18th May – Reward: Massive Shopping Spree

Goal IX Maintain weight for at least 6 months – Reward: Tattoo

I am less than 5kg from goal 1, as I already lost 1.1kg since starting last week.

Any suggestions for 5kg loss rewards and friends requests are welcome!


  • Inner_Goddess
    Inner_Goddess Posts: 1,146 Member
    Manicure, pedicure, facial? Maybe an accessory of some type, new scarf? I rewarded myself every week in the beginning (if I met my personal weekly goals) with a do-it-myself facial and bath....doesn't seem like much, but for a single mom, taking the time to myself was huge and helped to remind me that I AM worth the time and dedication this takes!

    Best of LUCK!!
  • MizSookeh
    MizSookeh Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Cammy,

    Great goals! I noticed you are from Franga! I am in Victoria also. :)

    I have similar goals and amounts to lose as you do, with similar theory - if I get to 45kgs down and am happy with myself I'll stay there, even though my 'healthy' BMI would need another 5-10kgs off.

    For 5kgs, depends what you're into! Non-food rewards are great.

    Could be anything from buying yourself a bunch of flowers, or a bath bomb from Lush to have a bubble bath and a glass of your drink of choice...
    if you're a bit of a geek, buy a game from Steam and have a night off just for gaming, or get one of those little 'blind bag' figurines (Mario, Adventure Time, DC/Marvel, Hello Kitty, there are lots!) and start collecting them...

    Best of luck!