Need a Personal trainer/or other to answer interview ?

I have a school assignment for my kinesiology course and I have to interview someone who is a (Physical Education/Health Teacher, Personal Trainer, Athletic Coach, Athletic Trainer, Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant).
I really appreciate the help! This is due tomorrow by the way :(

you can just copy and paste this into a reply with the answers.

so here is the questions.
The answers can be short, it doesn't matter

Name: (you can PM this if you want)

E-Mail: (you can PM this if you want) You can leave this one out if you don't feel comfortable. I guess the professor just wants a way to validate the legitimacy of the interview.

1. Why did you decide to become a teacher/personal trainer/coach or go into rehab?

2. Where did you receive your training or education?

3. What do you love most about your job?

4. What are some of the biggest challenges you face?

5. How many students or clients do you interact with daily?

6. Describe a regular work day

7. What are some of your goals for your career?

8. Who has helped influence your career? (Explain why)

9. What advice do you have for someone who is thinking of pursuing a job like yours?


  • Name: Karen DiDomenico


    1. Why did you decide to become a teacher/personal trainer/coach or go into rehab?
    I worked in "corporate America" for a number of years. I was always very active and had a thirst for fitness information reading, studying and using my body as a test subject for new exercise and nutrition plans. I was working as a full time construction estimator and because of my love for the industry, at the same time worked part time as personal trainer and sports nutrition coach. When the economic downturn resulted in the construction company I was working for to close I found myself at unique point in my life. I could either find another office job, or I could follow my passion and take my love for exercise and fitness to a whole new level. I now work full time as a personal trainer and have decided to continue my education pursuing a PhD in Physical Therapy.

    2. Where did you receive your training or education?
    I hold a B.S. and a degree in exercise science. I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, a PN Certified Sports Nutrition Coach and a Titleist Performance Institute Level 2 Certified Golf Fitness Instructor and am planning to take the CSCS certification exam next month.

    3. What do you love most about your job?
    I love working with people. My clients are THE BEST! Mostly, I enjoy helping people improve their level of health and fitness. I work with a very diverse client base including fitness competitors, busy moms and dads as wells as those working toward sports specific goals. They range from age 18-72, each with their own set of strengths and weaknesses.

    4. What are some of the biggest challenges you face?
    Scheduling is tough. It's easy with my online clients but the one on one client base is a bit more challenging. I do my best to work around everyone's schedule (mine included) but sometimes it can get challenging. I never stop running!

    5. How many students or clients do you interact with daily?
    I work for a medically accredited fitness facility where I do one on one sessions. I own my own company and offer online as well as in-home training, and I am affiliated with two prestigious golf courses in the area. I work with anywhere from 5-20 clients a day combined (face to face and online).

    6. Describe a regular work day
    I am up at 3am to answer emails, blog, check social media, etc. My first client is at 5am and I see clients (depending on the day) until I have to leave for class. I often have appointments after classes too. Depending on the day I see Fitness Mastered clients in their home or at my small training studio, or I head back to the fitness center where I work per diem, or I may head to one of the golf courses for a meeting, group sessions, etc. I end my day the way it started answering emails!

    7. What are some of your goals for your career?
    I want to help people live healthy, pain free lives.

    8. Who has helped influence your career? (Explain why)
    My husband and my family have been HUGE supporters never questioning or doubting my career endeavors. Without them I would not have had the courage to make such a drastic career change.

    9. What advice do you have for someone who is thinking of pursuing a job like yours?
    Follow your dreams! If you have to work you may as well LOVE what you do! And NEVER stop learning!!

    GOOD LUCK dripped with your educational endeavors too!
  • You made my day thank you so much!