What's your favorite "Cheat" Meal?



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    The main time I "cheat" (always log everything though) is when I am somewhere with limited food choices. This really does annoy me when you have no control of eating healthy. I ate a dagwood dog for the first time in about 10 years the other day. I am pretty sure I haven't been missing out on anything!

    I suppose my other "cheat" is japanese beef curry. It isn't really unhealthy though except for white rice is higher GI. Comes in at around 600 cals with a fair amount of protein and I usually eat half 2/3 at lunch time and 1/3 later on to spread it out.

    And probably my other one is almonds. Although high in fat and cals per gram they are a healthy fat so I can justify that I think.

    Sometimes, if I have a bad day I have this mindset change of "well, maybe I should just start to bulk up a bit?" :P
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    My latest was this past Sunday. For breakfast I had a 1/2 order of bisuits and gravy, very crisply fried hash browns and some scrambled eggs to counter the carbs. This was at a local diner that makes everything from scratch. Even the eggs are locally produced (which is good considering the egg recall). With a hot cup of coffee, it was simply devine!
  • Mexican or pizza, and some dessert
  • ChronicOptimist
    ChronicOptimist Posts: 558 Member
    I don't know if it's technically considered a "cheat" meal because I do still log everything and arrange my day and my work outs to stay under my calorie goal, but I do enjoy a special meal now and again! And you know - I previously thought the whole idea of giving your metabolism a jump was a myth but after last night, I may be a believer!

    Last night, I went out to a local restaurant and had two glasses of white wine and a big helping of shrimp and grits. I ate about half of it in the restaurant at around 6:15pm and the rest on my friend's back porch at around 11pm. Darn it if when I weighed the next morning there wasn't a pretty significant loss from the day before!

    Again - not a regular occurrence for me, but I am a big believer in making this a lifestyle, not a diet, and my lifestyle sometimes includes shrimp and grits!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't have many cheat meals, typically it's just getting dessert at the restaurant but I still get a healthier entree and typically end up at maintenance.

    The times I actually didn't care about calories were Eastern Europe food (and I was so disappointed too), Red Robin, some Mediterranean restaurant, a steakhouse (ribs and chips), Italian (the best of all) and a good old fast food chain with the best cheese fries. And Holidays at home, obviously, but that's about it in 1.5 year.
  • focusedonfitness2015
    focusedonfitness2015 Posts: 240 Member
    Love my cheat meal! It helps to get me through the week. Since it is once per week, I like to make it really good. I usually do pizza or some type of pasta but last night I had Red Robin. It was extravagant! Calories were insane but I didnt care. It was my one cheat meal of the week and I was gonna live it up!
  • B0rnC0nfus3d
    B0rnC0nfus3d Posts: 422 Member
    Indian, Chinese, Mexican, fish & chips (fries), KFC ...... So much more! I just love all types of food.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    i don't cheat. But i guess i could choose the Chinese buffet as a cheat meal. It seems dumb to cheat on your diet. Why not just cook delicious foods and you never feel deprived??? I never have gotten why people want to do all the hard work of counting calories and exercise all week just to have a cheat meal that sets you back a few thousand calories. It always amazes me that these are the same exact people on here whining that they cant lose weight...just saying. I say keep trying new and delicious recipes. THen the whole family can eat good but healthy for :drinker: all the meals.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    First off… I rarely even think about having a cheat meal anymore. I don't feel deprived or hungry with my new way of eating… so I don't know what the point of a cheat meal is. I eat everything I want anyway…. just in moderation. Also, I find my body doesn't react very well to restaurant food anymore (which is usually what I've saved my cheats for)… so my cheat meals, rather than being enjoyable...make me feel lousy.

    Also, I don't know if it counts as a cheat if I'm still within my calorie goal for the day.

    But all of that being said… there is one thing I've got on my radar for a cheat meal. Pancakes and/or waffles are my weakness… and with syrup… the calories are sky high. So far, I've been able to have some in moderation. But I miss just eating as much of it as I want until I'm satisfied. So, that is on my list for my next cheat meal.

    FTR: I know the term "cheat meal"…. but I don't really feel like it's a "cheat." It's just called part of life. I prefer to refer to it as my "free" meal.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    Don't really care for cheat meals... I eat whatever I want within my grocery budget which is about $30 per week. There's usually not a lot leftover for special treats... :x
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    My mother and I cook together on Saturdays. Today we had stuffed bell peppers that were awesome. Next weekend we're making chicken enchiladas.

    We make pot roasts, soups, fajitas, burgers, hot dogs... you name it. Every other meal and snack is a better choice but that one meal on Saturdays is where the real strict thought goes out the window. (course, if there's leftovers it'll make it into my meals for the week, but I'm more mindful about portion control every day but the day of cooking. heh)
  • LeahMaria26
    LeahMaria26 Posts: 62 Member
    I think mine would have to be either Chinese take out, or some of my boyfriend's Chicken Alfredo. And I think you have a valid point about having a cheat meal. I'm doing the hCG weight loss diet. And it cuts out everything that I love (breads, Chinese, pasta. etc) for about three to six weeks. And I am beginning to wonder if I don't treat myself for losing a pound or two a day by this diet, that my body will start to just plateau, because it will only do so much before reaching a point to where I just level out and neither lose nor gain weight. Which I think I have. I've held steady at 215 (down from about 223-ish) for about two days now (and you're suppose to lose 1-2 pounds a day) and I would like to keep losing weight, but I think I've hit a plateau with this diet. On a 600 calorie/day diet, do you think after a point that a "cheat meal" would do good at keeping up a metabolism? Would it maybe give my metabolism yet another kick start to continue to help me lose weight? Now not only am I doing the drops but I'm constantly walking each night about 2.5 miles a night. I know that is probably helping me some. But I wonder if cutting out as much as this diet calls for is not only helping but hendering in the weight loss goals I have in mind.

    I'm also currently doing the hCG diet, but I would not recommend you cheat on this, particularly in Phase 2 as is highly unlikely it will stop the plateau and stall you further for a few days. I stalled for 3 days, but now I'm losing again.

    Once I've finished all the phases in the hCG I plan to incorporate a cheat meal to my diet once a week by following a the intermittent fasting approach. For me it's important that my weekly average is below my calorie budget.

    As for favourite cheat options - mine would have to be alcohol and macaroni and cheese :)
  • focusedonfitness2015
    focusedonfitness2015 Posts: 240 Member
    Why would you eat a cheat meal when trying to lose weight? You need to be stronger willed than that.

    WOW! Judge much?

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