Anyone else looking to lose 50 pounds?



  • hotfitmomma2b
    hotfitmomma2b Posts: 15 Member
    i want to lose a total of about 50lbs !! you can add me if you would like aswell :)
  • MizJones30
    MizJones30 Posts: 2 Member

  • I started out looking to lose 70 pounds. I started 15 July 2013 and as of today, I have lost 32 pounds. If you would like add me as a friend and I will lose weight with you, encourage you and help you as much as I can as we both lose weight to meet our goals!
  • beltinches
    beltinches Posts: 38 Member
    Hey hun! I'm looking to lose 51 pounds by next year. My first goal is to try and get down to 180 by February. I know all about putting on weight due to "circumstances"( not that I'm not blaming it on my own choices) so I can relate. Adding you there! :)
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    Hey ...

    My first goal is 57. I log on everyday and use MFP like Facebook. My diary is open and I have a lengthy bio! FEEL FREE TO ADD ME

  • matcartmill
    matcartmill Posts: 98 Member
    I'm going for 60 to start. I gained 100lbs in 4 years from working a desk-job. Now, years later, I'm trying to get it gone.
  • Im aiming for 52 pounds
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi! I'm looking to lose 40 pounds, BUT I NEED MOTIVATION AND SUPPORT!!! i get none from my family and friends. So, please add me as a friend so we can take on this journey together! :D that sounded corny, but i could really use some tips
  • i'm aiming to lose around 60 + pound looking for someone who is going to start today so we can do it together :)
    "i did lose the same amount before but i gained it over the past few years and "
    my own wedding might be in 6 month so im trying to get back on track
    feel free to add me :)
  • I'm looking to lose an additional 50 lbs. as well. Feel free to add me as a friend and I will definitely be more diligent about logging and tracking. I tend to get sidetracked, but I will do better.
  • beth3126
    beth3126 Posts: 8 Member
    I have about 70lbs to lose. You can add me if you'd like:smile:
  • I have about 40 to go. I'll send you a request, I know how hard life can be sometimes and our self image takes a backseat to other priorities. I'm looking for a permanent job too, which makes it hard at times. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • eastwoodrmc
    eastwoodrmc Posts: 1 Member
    I'm fighting similar issues, under-active thyroid and need to lose 50lbs for phase one. Ultimately I want to lose 65-70 BUT if I'm in good shape physically (no big belly) I won't care what the scale says, just how I look/feel and how my clothes fit.
  • princesspayton
    princesspayton Posts: 14 Member
    I am looking to lose about 65 pounds :)
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :)
  • Hi All,

    I'm looking to lose 40 - 50 lbs too! I log in everyday and would love to have more friends!

    Right now I am utilizing the concepts of the Paleo philosophy and it is working well for me. I definitely crave less carbs and sugar. My calorie consumption has plummeted as a result, and without any real sacrificing. I don't exercise as much as I should - so I'm working on that! However, my changes in diet have led to less bloating and a more stable mood - I seem to be getting more accomplished in general as I never feel foggy.
  • I'm looking to lose at least 50 pounds also. I'm so tired of being overweight and I have no motivation. I am interested in using this app again but with some friends so that we can motivate one another! So feel free to add me!
  • eldyn90
    eldyn90 Posts: 14 Member
    You can add me! :) I've got about 46ish more to go before hitting my goal. I'm looking for more friends on here, so if anyone else would like to add me please do!
  • Princess71117
    Princess71117 Posts: 91 Member
    I am! Just started this journey last week.....hoping to find people who can motivate me (and I for them :D ) Add me if you'd like!
  • jpilley
    jpilley Posts: 78 Member
    "A winner makes commitments, a loser makes promises."

    I made a COMMITMENT on December 4th, that I would lose 40 pounds BEFORE I turn 60 next year. Being the realist that I am, I know that this is an almost impossible goal but I need the motivation of an "impossible dream" in order to begin, to challenge myself, and to drive me forward. One step at a time, one day at a time, one pound at a time.

    If I can lose just ONE pound a week, I can accomplish my goal by September 10, 2014. That's 40 weeks, 280 days, and 40 pounds. I CAN DO IT!

    I am on Day 275 and counting. I have lost 2.4 pounds since I began my journey. I am ahead of schedule.

    Add me as a fitness friend and we can celebrate together in 2014! :drinker:
  • breeze_brat
    breeze_brat Posts: 65 Member
    I am. It is really hard for me to lose, I am on a steroid inhaler (and other medicines) for my asthma and on medication for hypothyroid. I dance almost every Friday (when there's a dance I am there).....square dance, line dance, fast dance, slow dance...the dance is 4 hours, I also go to the gym and do what I can usually 20 minutes treadmill (walking) and 20 minutes on the stationary bike. I probably need to work at increasing that but I had a spell with my asthma about a month ago and I wasn't allowed to dance or go to the gym or anything strenuous for several weeks and hafta take things slow.