Living Fuel Supergreens

Has anyone tried this mix yet? No real reviews out there on it as it is a more "private" company vs a brand name. Bought a canister the other day and the nutritional info is impresssive. The taste...I have nothing to compair it to but it is not so good. So two questions:

1) is it worth it based on the nutritional info and personal experience?

2) how do you hide the taste?...(I am on my second "drink" and failed again).


  • You could make green smoothies with it. Get some fruit (pineapple, berries, and apple are all good for green smoothies IMO) and maybe some yogurt, blend together. Enough fruits will disguise pretty much any green/earthy taste.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Today was yogurt, milk, blueberries and it was still "earthy"....last week it was Kombucha (cherry), blueberries and it was no bueno LOL.