Hello from JONCRUZ88


My name is Jonathan. I started using this through the Android app starting on the first, still learning how to use it and getting a chance to take a look at the website. Through my BMI, I am considered overweight and possibly borderline obese. But that means little to me, as I don't feel I am. I started really taking focus of goals just recently, wanting to be more healthy first and foremost, and a plus to getting healthier hopefully finally feel comfortable in my skin and wear clothes I wish I could, because doesn't everyone?

Anyway, I am currently 25ys and will be turning 26 on Feb 1. I hope if I keep at it and start getting more serious I can lose a few pounds by then. I am also a Gay male, and I don't think that plays a role in weight loss. However it has its stereo types of Gay men and I don't like where I fall I guess. Also like to get to know like minded individuals also here for the same thing, getting healthy and motivation that put judgements aside.

I also have a membership to LA fitness and it has just been sitting there cause I could never get myself to make myself go as much as I'd like, so I'm trying to get myself to the gym more often.

This is some things about me that come to mind at the moment of writing this, so forgive for the run on. If there is anything you'd like to know, feel free to inbox me, I enjoy conversations.