tips on my workout program!

Hi All,

Ive been pretty slack lately and have put back on some of the weight I lost over the past year. Im determined to fire things up again and get motivated so Ive written myself a pretty ambitious program for the next couple of months.

Im a pretty solid guy already so Im not really keen to build more muscle etc, basically I want to slim down, tone up but also work on my cardiovascular fitness, be able to run faster and jump higher and all that. It needs to be reasonably ambitious and varied so that I dont get bored!

This is my weekly plan, noting that the gym days will alternate through the weeks.

Gym Day 1

Chin ups
Squat 3x15
Bench 3x15
Biceps 3x15
hanging leg lifts 5X5
crunches 5x15
plank 60 seconds

Running Day 2

4 lap (1600m) warm up
6x600m 1 minute rest
2 (800m) lap cool down

Gym Day 3

lat pull downs 3x15
Squat 3x15
Overhead press 3x15
Deadlifts 1x5
dips 3x15
Box Jumps 3x10
toe raises with weights 3x15
plank 60 seconds

Running Day 4

4 lap (1600m) warm up
6x600m 1 minute rest
2 (800m) lap cool down

Gym Day 5

Chin ups
Squat 3x15
Bench 3x15
Biceps 3x15
hanging leg lifts 5X5
crunches 5x15
plank 60 seconds

Running Day 6

4 lap (1600m) warm up
6x600m 1 minute rest
2 (800m) lap cool down

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated, particularly if youve got suggestions for excercises that i should add/remove or ideas for excercises you do to keep things from getting stale.

