Working out isn't the problem, FOOD is the problem



  • queenbekks
    queenbekks Posts: 58 Member
    OP, I have the exact same problem, I can relate! I have found what works best for me is the opposite of "have everything, just in moderation". This is great advice for a lot of people, but everyone is different. I have to choose a few specific treat foods that I can't live without, and have those in moderation as treats (including alcohol). I have to cut out other junk foods. Once I live without them for a few weeks, I really don't miss them anymore. But if I have a little bit of something just for the sake of giving myself a treat, but its not what I really LOVE, it doesn't satisfy the craving, so I will have "just a little bit" of something else.... and then something else on top of that..... and so on!
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    I've definitely had this in the past (and alcohol is, well, alcohol. I wouldn't be me if I didn't like to indulge in a glass or three at the weekends!). I found that when I ate diet food (lean meats, salads, veggies, etc.) everything 'normal' became guilty pleasure food. And that fed my weekend binges.

    Eating a good amount of fat, a good amount of protein, a sensible amount of fibre (mileage definitely varies on this one) and not too low carb (but, in the main, complex carbs) has helped me not binge so much on the weekends. Plus I ensure that no food is off limits, so I don't get the guilty pleasure response. Sure, a whole pizza is probably out of the question (especially when they can run to 2-3000 kcals!), but a slice or two can be made to fit in. I've also trained myself to sip my alcoholic drinks slower, so I don't drink so much over the course of an evening.

    While you can't out-train a bad diet, a goodly amount of exercise also loosens the restraints on what you can have.

    I also tend to eat slightly less during the week (easy when I'm at work and not in easy reach of the fridge), which also gives me leeway at the weekend.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    If you drove your car into the fuel station and there was a sign on one pump that read, "rubbish fuel", would you fill up with it?

    So why fill your own body full of rubbish when it is far more important and valuable than your car?

    - (and I say this to myself as much as I say it out here)
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Two things I just thought of to add...

    First, I actually find weekends to be easier because I end up so busy and distracted that the days pass quickly. (At work, I find that I'm always thinking about what I'll have for lunch and snacks.) On weekends, before I know it, I have a lot of calories left at the end of the day. I'm mostly doing chores/errands vs. doing fun social things where food is served, so that probably helps. But maybe over-scheduling your weekend with fun or chores would keep your mind off of cravings.

    Also, I was just talking to someone about my multi-vitamin. I have no idea if I need to take it, but I feel like it makes a difference. And even if it's all in my head, it helps! I think that sometimes a craving is really just my body asking for something it needs. When I take a high-quality multi-vitamin, my body gets the micronutrients it needs, so it craves less. (...maybe, but it seems to work for me!) I'm currently using Nature's Plus Source of Life Gold tablets.
  • MizJones30
    MizJones30 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a hard time on the weekends to stay on track with my diet and excersise...
  • fragileelegance
    fragileelegance Posts: 102 Member
    Weekends are my undoing.

    So I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that I need to fix my weekend habits or I'll never achieve a nice steady loss.

    That's exactly how I feel :(
  • fragileelegance
    fragileelegance Posts: 102 Member
    I'm sure most people can relate.

    Perhaps look into some healthy snacks that satisfy your sweet tooth and keep them WELL stocked in the house. This way, you'll eat that instead of going to get something else outside of the house.
    Some healthy snacks I use/have used:
    - granola bars with chocolate chips
    - small parfaits
    - cups of yogurt
    - banana slices dipped in dark chocolate
    - strawberries dipped in dark chocolate
    - mandarin oranges (they're pretty sweet)
    - baked apple w/cinnamon
    - frozen grapes
    - dark chocolate
    There are also plenty of suggestions online of healthy tasty snacks. Perhaps you'll find some that work for you.

    For the alcohol, I'm not really much of a drinker, so I am not as familiar, but I imagine that if you make a conscious effort to drink more water and tea, you won't have much room for alcohol.

    Thank you for the snack ideas!!
  • fragileelegance
    fragileelegance Posts: 102 Member
    If you're hungry, then you're hungry. If it's so difficult, then you may want to consider upping your daily calorie intake a bit. Sure, it'll slow your loss down a bit, but you're much less likely to stay on track in the long run. It does no good to lose weight quickly if you burn out and put it back on.

    I've actually been thinking that I may need to up my calorie goal :/ How long did it take you to lose the weight? I see you've lost 41 lbs