Ran out of time. What would you do?

What do you do if you truly don't have time to exercise on a particular day? Do you do more the next day? Add minutes throughout the week? Ideas please.


  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I make time in my schedule but my weekly schedule always has one rest day that I will move around if needed. So if I know I can't make time on Wednesday that becomes my rest day.
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    If I really can't work out on a particular day I don't worry about it and carry on as scheduled the next day. Don't beat yourself up over an unexpected day off, it's more about consistency! :)
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    I will typically squeeze in a HIIT workout somewhere in the day.....something is always better than nothing, and I just feel better if I move.


    It usually ends up being the burpee ladder or the sprints. :) You can basically do any exercise that gets your heart rate up and incorporates some strength for HIIT. Jump Squats, Jump Lunges, Stairs, Jump Rope, etc. I like the burpees because it includes upper body and core. Plus there are lots of ideas online. :)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    If I really can't work out on a particular day I don't worry about it and carry on as scheduled the next day.

    This ^^^
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    If I really can't work out on a particular day I don't worry about it and carry on as scheduled the next day. Don't beat yourself up over an unexpected day off, it's more about consistency! :)

  • nohaynicknamesdisponibles
    I do not understand this "running out of time";exercises should be done as long as they take or if you need a time-goal to be happy be less distracted and do your Routines with a minimum of rest between the sets.
    Working out should be done daily.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't run out of time in a day- well everyonce in a very blue moon I will.

    But going to the gym is not something I do if I have time for it. That's just what I do on Monday's.

    I go to the gym.
    Tuesday's I go to dance class- and then I got to the gym.
    Wednesday's is typically my day off-
    Thursday's is a day off or a HIIT day
    Friday night I'm there till 10 PM
    Saturday is Dance
    Sunday is gym

    it's not "if I have time"- that's just what I do. it's on the list- and if I dont' finish everything else on the list by 4 PM- I stop doing the things and I head for the gym. Chores are rarely a "must get done today" type thing- usually it can be pushed a day or two.

    Gym time on the other hand- cannot.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Chores are rarely a "must get done today" type thing- usually it can be pushed a day or two.
    You are just my hero. I needed to see it said in exactly this way.
  • amastre
    amastre Posts: 176 Member
    It's really a matter of priority. If hitting the gym/working out is a priority, you'll find a way to fit it in. Sometimes though, other things (like work) has to take precedence, and in those cases I Just count it a rest day and try to better plan my time in the future.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Well, for one I don't workout every single day...it's completely unnecessary. Two, I have a fitness regimen that is designed to meet certain goals...I'm not just working out for the sake of working out. To make my fitness regimen work, it has to be somewhat flexible...I have designed it to be flexible. I get in three lifting days per week...usually it's a Tues/Thurs/Sat....but sometimes **** happens and it has to be a Mon/Wed/Sat or a Wed/Fri/Sun, etc. That is my primary focus for now so I don't sweat it if I don't get out on my bike at all during the week though I do try to hit it at least twice per week just to maintain my cycling base...if I happen to get out more then that's just gravy.

    My fitness regimen changes pretty much with the seasons and always has to be flexible. I have never and will never exercise 7 days per week...I do 6 days per week tops when I'm actually training for an event...otherwise it's usually 5 days per week and no less than 3. There is always enough time for me to fit in 3 workouts per week and usually 5 is not a big deal either.

    Perhaps addressing and/or re-addressing your fitness goals will help you with your scheduling.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Chores are rarely a "must get done today" type thing- usually it can be pushed a day or two.
    You are just my hero. I needed to see it said in exactly this way.


    you're welcome- it's really about what's a priority-

    I typically have a list of stuff that NEEDS doing and COULD get done- I don't always list them by priority- but mentally I know- Gym- top priority- baking cookies- low priority.

    I have lists of crap to get done constantly- and if you go down the list YES the stuff NEEDS to get handled- but it's rarely something that is so important it's worth sacrificing my time for- really- I hate running errands/chores. Registration can usually wait till a better time.

    Squatz > DMV/MVC :D

    I guess I look at it more big picture- working out is more about putting your face in the dirt and grinding it out. That's where success happens. Getting chores done- that needs to be done typically in a week or montly basis. I HAVE to go to the gym regularly- I HAVE to shop for food regularly- but the food can be done today or tomorrow- it just has to get done AT SOME POINT this week.

    you can't take the average of one work out you pushed off across a week- you have to take the average of the workouts you MADE happen.

    I honestly don't understand 'fitting it in'. I fit in work outs when I'm out of my element- on vacation- or away at someone's house.
    But it's my schedule- I don't fit in it- it's just the reality-I schedule it- I go to the gym at 8 PM every week night that my BF is not here. Period-it happens now. every day. at this time.

    that being said- I have no family- I am not juggling kids or hubby. I do my own thing- and I MAKE it my time- it doesn't NOT happen because something else does. The something else better be an emergency- I don't schedule outings or hang outs or drinking. I often drop my roommate off Friday night at 7 PM at the bar on the way to the gym- then pick him up on the way home. LOL I'd rather be at the gym.