How many MPH do you run on a treadmill?



  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    My pace is completely dependent on what I am currently training for. Sometimes I just run at a comfortable pace as a warm up/cool down before/after weightlifting. Other times I run at a specific distance and pace based on a race I am training for.

    My pace on the treadmill is usually about the same pace as I would be running if I was outside (which I prefer on most occasions).

    Here are some sample training programs you might consider (depending on distance):

    My pace is often determined by applying this formula:
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I only run in minutes per mile, not MPH. Therefore I try to avoid treadmills at all costs. (Seriously, why do treadmills go in MPH when all runners care about is minutes per mile?)

    HAHA! I think it is so that we have something to do (mentally convert your run to minutes per mile) while you are catching your breath after you are done. :wink:
  • just_Jennie1
    Depends on what I'm doing.

    Temp run I'll do 1 mile at 6.5, the tempo run at 7.5, then the cool down mile at 6.5

    If I'm doing speed intervals I'll do a slow jog at 6 mph for two minutes, run at 8.5 for a minute, back down to 6 etc.

    If I'm doing a regular run I'll do it at about a 7.

    If I'm doing a slow jog I'll do it at 6.5

    If I'm doing balls-to-the-walls run I'll do a warm up at 6.5 for 5 minutes then a full out 15-20 minute run as fast as I can which is around 8, then cool down 6.5.

    When I run outside my pace is between 9:30-8:45 minute mile depending on how I'm feeling.
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    So I guess I'm the turtle in this race....I walk at a 4 and "run" at a 5, incline of 1.

    I figure that is a success considering I walked through the front doors of the gym in the first place, then stepped on the treadmill and turned the sucker on. That's half the battle! The fact that I make it 3 miles without throwing up or falling off....that's a huge win!

  • just_Jennie1
    So I guess I'm the turtle in this race....I walk at a 4 and "run" at a 5, incline of 1.

    I figure that is a success considering I walked through the front doors of the gym in the first place, then stepped on the treadmill and turned the sucker on. That's half the battle! The fact that I make it 3 miles without throwing up or falling off....that's a huge win!


    It doesn't matter how fast you run. I've been running for a long time and just like to run fast. I have a friend who has run for years and she just naturally runs slow.

    When I started out I wasn't running the speeds I am now. Like you I was at 5 mph, then I slowly upped my speeds. Every 10 minutes I'd up my speed 2 mph then the next run I'd try running at a slightly faster speed and then up it every 10 minutes until I was running faster. The important thing is that you're DOING it.:wink:
  • joesimtre
    joesimtre Posts: 48 Member
    Depends.. I usually don't run on a treadmill unless it's blistering cold outside.

    Short distance 1 mile or 2 miles around 6.4
    Middle distance - 60 minutes or so I usually go at about 5.8 - 6. - A little over 10 minutes per mile.
    Long distance I go with what feels like something I can sustain for longer than an hour and a half.
  • cajun_qt
  • kayveebee7
    kayveebee7 Posts: 127 Member
    I feel good at 4.2, but I push myself and can sustain 5 for about 4 minutes. I want to be able to do 6 comfortably.RIght now, 6 is a sprint for me.
  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
    6 - 6.5 mph is my slow steady run pace

    When I do sprints I go anywhere from 7-9 though
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I am trying to find a good speed to run on a treadmill and I was curious what everyone else's speed was? I run anywhere between 4.8/6.8mph on the treadmill.

    My thing is when I was in the military a year ago, I was running at 8.0mph and so anything less than that seems slow to me. But I know the average person doesn't have the work out regimen we did when I was enlisted. So i am trying to see where everyone else is at and set a more realistic goal for myself

    You're right. When I got out, my workout regimen intensified 10 fold. :tongue: