How long will it take to lose 60 pounds?

I'm a 19 year Male that currently ways 240 pounds and I'm 5'10 my goal is to get to 180 eventually and maybe lower in the future. I'm doing this on my own and want to know how long it will take me to lose this weight in a healthy way? I've been watching my calories and doing nothing else and this month that I've started and have lost 6 pounds. Any advice? Am I in a good track? I know I should be doing sports but I don't like them so this is what I'm forced to.


  • ronnio_ron
    You lost weight - 6 lbs - great start ....great first step mate...
    another thing is you have noted the fact that you need to lose weight and have takes steps - second good step

    We all have our stories and many more motivational tips from great ppl a bit...

    Will suggest, when you a ready to take up some light exercise - if you have already started - then move to light weight room sessions - take tip from experts here...i have many yrs and be glad to help....

    watching what you eat is the best way to start - right on of luck with the next steps...

    Time it will take is hard to say - maybe few months (5-9 mnths), but other have done faster and / or all depends what you feel comfortable with...

    good luck..