looking for friends to join me on this journey!

Hi everyone,
I am days away from my 41st birthday...and sick of being in the worst shape of my life! I joined MFP a week ago...have yet to see any weight change but am trying to stick within my calorie range and have started the C25K running program to get into shape again. I've been in denial for so long...was shocked when I found out my BMI was in the obese range! It took a most unattractive photo posted on Facebook to finally face up to the reality of how I look. I'm determined to make this work this time...and would love some friends for support and motivation to keep going....


  • WonderNoodle
    1st week and sticking to your calories range is awesome! We're smart women. We just need to be smart enough to apply our knowledge to our lives!

    Sending you a friend request so you can help ME too!
  • purplespeckle
    I'm in the obese range as well. I'm looking to lose 60 lbs. What about you?
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    I am only her. A week today, although my new healthier lifestyle was kicked off almos 2 weeks ago. It's workin well so far!! Good
    luck in your journey!! I'll add you to support each other!!
  • pcw52
    pcw52 Posts: 26 Member
    My health and injuries prevented me from doing something about this weight. I know how you feel to some degree. I am glad you started. I didn't even weigh my self for the first 2 weeks because I was afraid I would get disappointed and stop. My weakness is the hidden sugar in all the foods I like. If you minimize it, your bod will have to use the stored sugar and you'll lose. I have lost weight in the past but now I have more to lose and it will be tough. You will find encouragement and good info on this site. People do want to help.
    You can do this. I have to look at my biggest problems and break them into small goals something that I might actually attain. The first week was to actually exercise 4 of the 7 days and I made it. The next week was to watch what I ate for the week and I did that. It is a little mind game. Small successes.I already am upset about my weight so I need something to feel good about. That is my psych advice. Like I said you will find encouragement here and the people have so much good info.
  • pcw52
    pcw52 Posts: 26 Member
    You are doing very well. 9 lbs. is something to feel good about. I too have so much to lose.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey, welcome!! this is a great place to be!! Am 44 now.... I joined in Jan of '09...slowly losing 50-60 lbs...wanting and needing to be UN - Obese! Log your food, get movin' and drink lots and lots of water! You'll have success and friends along the way to support you! I just completed C25K 2 weeks ago! It is a wonderful feeling! You can do this! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    I am only her. A week today, although my new healthier lifestyle was kicked off almos 2 weeks ago. It's workin well so far!! Good
    luck in your journey!! I'll add you to support each other!!

    love your puggers! I have 2 females! they are my girls! :bigsmile:
  • dagon
    dagon Posts: 3
    I can use motivation. 41 too and weight just keeps the same. Dagon ( dawn.atkinson@aurora.org )