Speak With Your Doctor

I went to the doctor yesterday. I spent half the time getting praised for my weight loss, and the other half getting fussed. I guess I deserved both. When I got there, they did the preliminary weighing and blood pressure check before seeing the doctor. The weight was fine for me, but blood pressure was a problem. I have not been feeling myself for the last few months. Not much energy, but attributed that to the dieting. Kept taking BP meds, two in the AM, and one in PM. They took my BP twice, once with machine, and once with manual cuff. It was 86 over 62 on both. Dangerously low. He took me off of 2 of the 3 and had me break that one in half and take it twice a day. Last time I saw him, I weighed 186. If you are going to do this, and be successful, see your doctor.


  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    OMG, I bet you did feel tired! That's very good advice. Weight matters a lot to dosages.

    I felt tired and dizzy when exercising and figured that was from dieting/watching my carbs, too. Nope, I'm anemic enough to have symptoms and didn't know it. I think dieters should definitely make sure to get regular checkups, because symptoms like fatigue can seem so understandable yet really be something else wrong.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Yes. They normally give you 5 or 10 points higher just for the stress of being in a drs office. I wonder how low it was getting. Yesterday was first day I was on the smaller amount. I had a head ache during the day, but I hope that subsides over time. Monitoring it at home.
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    My mum suffered with high blood pressure and was on meds for it. She lost 30lbs and passed out one day. Turned out that because she had lost weight her blood pressure had dropped naturally and the meds caused it to drop too low.

    So I totally agree with you, definitely worth seeing your doctor regularly if you are taking BP meds and losing weight.

    Hope you start feeling better soon.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    OMG, I bet you did feel tired! That's very good advice. Weight matters a lot to dosages.

    I felt tired and dizzy when exercising and figured that was from dieting/watching my carbs, too. Nope, I'm anemic enough to have symptoms and didn't know it. I think dieters should definitely make sure to get regular checkups, because symptoms like fatigue can seem so understandable yet really be something else wrong.

    While weight does impact dosage what you are seeing here is that weight impacts blood pressure. period. Congrats on getting off one of the medications, that's a win!

    Anyway, anyone on blood pressure medication can easily do their own home testing and see a doctor when blood pressure changes are seen. Get a cuff.