
Hello everybody!

I have struggled with my weight on an off since I was in 5th grade. Terrible eating habits are the culprit, my dad would pack multiple coffee cakes in my lunch box for snacks and he hates vegetables and most fruit so we pretty much only had processed foods constantly. I'm in the process of losing weight now to reach my goal weight of 145. I like the food tracker so far, and I'm excited to be apart of the community now!


  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I wish you all the best in reaching your goals! Learning how to live a healthier lifestyle is a bit of a slow process but so worth it in the end. The weightloss may come slow at times but keep long term goals in mind (and have short term goals too) so that you stay focused on why you are doing this.

    All the best!
  • :happy: Hi there, Im like you struggled with my weight since i was a youngster and with having kids aswell. So yup also like you started fitness pal yesterday and enjoying it so far. Looks like everyone is so friendly and can get loads of tips from all. Happy losing
    wendy xx
  • Welcome to MFP. If you stick to the plan you will see results. Good luck and hope you enjoy your journey.
  • Thank you everyone! I also have a child and I have more of an incentive to be healthy since I don't want him growing up thinking what I ate is OK! Unfortunately, my stomach didn't come through wonderfully after my pregnancy so I am excited to lose weight, but also quite nervous to see how my skin is gong to hold up....or not hold up. Crossing my fingers! : )