Any body else wake up 2 lbs heavier??!

nicoledc Posts: 37
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
2 pound weight gain overnight - cannot understand this - at 1200 calories a day, exercising 5 days a week 45-60 minutes....anyone else had this issue? I am actually back where I STARTED 2 weeks ago ! Not particulary encouraging !


  • Stop weighing so often. Try weighing once a month and pull out the tapes to perform measurements. When you do weighing and measurements do as many as you can during the day so that you get a good sample size. Then you can see if you are really losing weight or not. Variant weight can be up to 20 lbs. This is why a fighter that weighs 200lbs fights as a middleweight at 185lbs. He cuts the variant weight before his weigh in and then builds it back up for the fight. IOTW you could drop 15 to 20lbs of weight in 24hrs if you knew what you were doing. You couldn't keep it off and live very long though. Best thing to do is to take pictures once a month and see areas where you have improved and use that to motivate you to keep working. Unfortunately getting healthy takes as much time as it did to get where you are now. Also make sure you don't have a calorie deficit over 700. 1200 seems a tad bit low to me. Your body will fight shut down it's metabolism if you aren't getting enough to eat. have you noticed yourself being less active outside of exercise?
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    I've been having a similiar issue for 5 months. I bounce between 3 numbers for 2-3 weeks. But then it stays down and I bounce between 3 numbers for 2-3 week. For instance I was bouncing between 176-174. The 174-171. Now I'm bouncing between 170 & 171. So its slow going for me. I understand your frustration. Eating right and exercising and the scale refuses to acknowledge all your hard work!!

    But it's better to do all of this and know you are doing your best. Then to say why bother and do nothing!!

    Stay strong!!!
  • nicoledc
    nicoledc Posts: 37
    Calorie deficiet - I am uncertan how this works since the 1200 is what was recommended when I started. I know that when I exercise there are "extra" calories to use so I have done that - am wondering if I need to NOT use those extra calories from the exercise (because I am not sure they are accurate from other posts I've seen) - this is a hard pill to swallow ! I read the posts every day and see so many variables. No plan on "giving up" - just asking the question to see if others have the same issue
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    How often are you weighing yourself? Generally, I do step on the scale nearly every day just being nosy but it's best to week yourself 1-2 times monthly. Also, take measurements. You have to keep in mind that your weight fluctuates for various reasons not relating to eating too much or not working out enough ... Muscles swell, water weight, sodium, bloating, etc. And also the absolute best way to see if your losing weight, in my opinion, is take note of how tight/loose your clothes are fitting. Are clothes that you wear often starting to feel looser than normal , are you having to pull up your pants all day? Those are great indicators of weight loss. :)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I'm guessing this was already ruled out, but I will state them anyway. Did you consume ANYTHING between times? This includes water, as 16 oz of water is 1 lb. Were you wearing the same thing? If the answer is still no, this can easily be attributed to scale error, especially if it is digital. I stopped using my digital scale because it could change as much as 10-20 lbs just by me getting off the scale and then getting back on.

    I know you want to see progress, but you will not see it on the scale if you weigh every day. If you are trying to lose 1 lb a week, that is only .14 lbs a day, there is plenty of room for error there! I prefer to weigh myself once a week and that is probably the maximum number of times in a month you should do so without driving yourself mad. Some people prefer 1 - 2 times a month, but it is up to you.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Things that cause weight gain--when you are not looking:
    -Time of the month (grin and bear it)
    -Lots of sodium in your food the day before (drink loads of water--repeat, water)
    -Lack of BMs in the past day or so (drink loads of water and eat fibrous foods--veggies, raw fruits, whole grains)
    -Someone messing around with your scale (just kidding! ;)

    I hope this problem passes and you continue a slow and steady weight loss. Hugs. :drinker: (water)
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    Nicoledc - I'm clueless as to why when you workout or exercise that you get "extra" calories BUT I do know from many hours of research that to successfully lose weight you are supposed to put out more calories than you take in. So if you eat 1200 calories a day, you need to put out over 1200 calories. I could be wrong, of course but that's what I've read and it makes sense. Your best bet is to TRY to stay under your allowed calories .. But by all means, if you're hungry then eat rather than be miserable and starve. Also, to help keep the calories down but feel satisfied you need to find foods where you can eat a reasonable amount, feel full, but not take in lots of calories. Foods high in protein, fiber, etc will do the trick.
  • nicoledc
    nicoledc Posts: 37
    5 months?! Ok, I guess "patience" is the word I need to keep in my head ! I have a blood sugar issue - not bad but "on my way" so that is why I started this journey - my doctor said that even if I do not lose any weight the exercise will bring the blood sugar levels down - currently it is 120 - diabetes is 125 (is what I am told) and up - it has been as low as 90 so I'm not classified diabetic yet - that is what I am trying to avoid. So I guess my focus really should be on my blood work in late September to see if it drops below that last reading of 120. Thanks ! Your comments help !~
  • nicoledc
    nicoledc Posts: 37
    Ok, thank you -more good replies - yes my scale is digital - I'm sure I am one of the only ones who weigh daily (LOL) - I need to stop that I know.
    This is the BEST site ever - have passed it along to so many of my friends who are struggling with weight - some say "it's a WEB site" - I say it is a LIFE site. So many good and caring answers. THANK YOU ALL !
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hell i showed 3 lbs this morning :sad:
    :blushing: must have been those wings and beer last night :ohwell:
  • nicoledc
    nicoledc Posts: 37
    Wings and beer - I WISH !
    I had crab legs and water :yawn:
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    Ok, thank you -more good replies - yes my scale is digital - I'm sure I am one of the only ones who weigh daily (LOL) - I need to stop that I know.
    This is the BEST site ever - have passed it along to so many of my friends who are struggling with weight - some say "it's a WEB site" - I say it is a LIFE site. So many good and caring answers. THANK YOU ALL !

    LOL .. I'm bad about weighing myself daily. For most people, it can be extremely discouraging but it really hasn't affected me lately. It's kind of disappointing but on the other hand it makes me really want to push harder b/c i don't like seeing the same number everyday .. I've cut back though. I used to weigh myself multiple times a day.

    & I agree .. it's a life site for sure! No problem .. We are all here for the same reasons!
  • MichelleFirestone
    MichelleFirestone Posts: 212 Member
    yeah I woke up 3lb heavier than yesterday. and yesterday I burned 600 cal riding bike for over an hour. I was shoked. but when I looked at what I ate yesterday, I'm assuming thats it. We had cheese steaks and fries for lunch. and the for dinner we went to wendy's on the run, and had a cheeseburger and fries. the calories were nuts. one meal was like 1000 calories. So all that work riding bike, was for nothing, all because I ate poorly.
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Ah I know the feeling! Frustrating but most likely water weight. Happened to me too. I know I had a lot of sodium last night so I'm not going to let it get to me because tomorrow is a new day. Just keep working hard.

    Being healthy and keeping weight off is a lifestyle change and commitment. A journey without a destination.

    The weight will come off.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    here's my 2 cents throw away your scale stop weighting yourself why be a slave to a number eat right and workout as hard as you can and you'll start feeling better.
    I'm in the Navy and we have to weigh-in every 6 months so once every 6 months I step on the scale because I have too other then that I stay away from the scale.
  • eve180
    eve180 Posts: 51 Member
    Sometimes it happens...I drink water the next few days (like I should). I try to drink 2-3 (32oz containers of water). Oh, I weigh myself every Sunday morning (in the nude). I get up and normally have to go to the bathroom afterwards I get on the scale. Please don't be discouraged or disappointed. Things happen you get a plateau or you gain unexpected weight you thought you would loose weight. Don't give up and stay focus. Keep your eyes on the big prize!!!! Shake off the bad feeling you have today. I

    f you can shake you can make

  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Scales are the root of all :devil:

    Dont get disheartened hun, your weight fluctuates all the time which is why most people have back up measures like tape and jeans. If you're doing everything right, it'll be back down in a couple of days.

    Bear in mind that your body is 55 - 70% water, so it is never an accurate measurement and like someone said, can vary as much as 20lbs on the scale.

    Goodluck :flowerforyou:
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    5 months?! Ok, I guess "patience" is the word I need to keep in my head ! I have a blood sugar issue - not bad but "on my way" so that is why I started this journey -

    Mine high blood pressure.

    The last 3 lbs decrease has been since increasing my calorie intake based on this sites reccommendation.

    Patience is needed, because not based on a time frame, but based on my change in eating and exercise. I should have been to my first goal weight easily by now. Even at a 1lb weight lose a week. I've got 5 lbs on a low scale day!!! :huh:

    I do have a Dr's appt set for next month. So bloodwork is going to be done to see if somethings going on internally. But until then I persevere!!! :blushing:
  • jdavis36
    jdavis36 Posts: 25 Member
    Yeah - That's discouraging, but you wouldn't know you were 2 lbs up if you didn't weigh each day!! Max 1 x per week - or every other week. My trainer hates the scale, when I do that, I end up eating more because I am so discouraged! My mental SUX...addicted to food!
  • nicoledc
    nicoledc Posts: 37
    You guys hit the nail on the head - get rid of the freakin' scale. I hop on there every single morning ! My little mind seems to think if I get on there BEFORE breakfast I will weigh less ! Not so muich. Ok then, one time a week - I am going to get rid of that sucker - I think in the long run I am going to be a healthier person just for the exercise I am doing - am starting a walking program tomorrow along with my elliptical - could not walk outisde the past few weeks because of the horrible heat and humidy we are having right now (asthma issues)
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