back again...and so overwhelmed

I don't even know what to say...I'm a failure...I plan(planned) to start a workout routine today...I still want to but I have a two year old who will not let up for more than 2 minutes, I timed it. MY normal diet has gone completely out of whack and my willpower is missing in action. I need support from people who understand, people who get how difficult this is. I have a goal, to get down to around 180lbs...I started at almost 290, now I'm somewhere around 230-235, I don't know exactly because I'm too ashamed to step on the scale. What is happening to me, why can't I stay on task, stay focused? I'm so frustrated!


  • mckenziebehr
    mckenziebehr Posts: 4 Member
    You might be causing yourself to get overwhelmed by secretly putting yourself down in a negative way by saying things like, "I'm too fat," or things of that nature. I don't know you so I'm not sure if you do this, but I'm just talking from what I've experienced. I used to talk down about myself all the time and sometimes I still catch myself doing it! It is something that will continually cause you to lose motivation and to want to give up on something you started. Motivation will only stick with you as long as you feed it positive thoughts! The mind is a powerful thing. If you put your mind to something, and tell yourself on a daily basis that you can do it, you will start to see results. I also did a post for a similar thread about motivation and I think it would be very helpful for you.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    So don't try to work out when you're responsible for caring for an awake child. Or incorporate the child in the workout. Take the kid for a walk. Do pushups with a rider (yee haw). Sometimes things aren't convenient or optimal.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    I could have written this! Feel free to friend me, I’m definitely here with you. One minute I’m ubber motivated, the next I’m exhausted and craving junk! I know that all I have to do is get back into the rythym and then it`ll be easier, but wow is it hard re-starting!
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Dude, you can TOTALLY do this, I know you can and I don't even know you! :)

    It all starts with a why, WHY do you want this?

    Feel free to friend me, I managed to lose 100 lbs and had been overweight since I was a kid. If I can do it, anyone can! :)
  • MelPatt1
    MelPatt1 Posts: 3 Member
    Marc, I DO know you...and you got this. You need to take a step back...breath...and re-focus. You did this...YOU GOT THIS. You have inspired me to come back on myfitnesspal and try to take control of my weight (which has been an issue for me the same amount of time it's been for you).

    I understand the whole baby taking precedence and not being able to workout...I agree with jwdieter. Sometimes, just to get something in...I'll hold the baby and do curls with him or something. Just to stay active.

    Want an accountability buddy? I got your back!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Incorporate your two year old into your work out. I used to put my kids in laundry baskets and haul them around or push them around on the floor or as mentioned before do push ups with a rider. Build a "fort" obstacle course with chairs cushions and blankets and climb over around and thru with you 2 year old. You can do it without having to go to a gym and will be having so much fun may not think of it as exercise.
  • sreed016
    sreed016 Posts: 97 Member
    I understand how you are feeling. I got back on track almost 3 weeks ago and it took me 2 weeks of hard working out and eating right to get up the courage to finally get back on the scale.

    It wasn't a pretty # which is pretty scary to imagine what it was before the 2 weeks - ugh!

    Taking it day by day now and hoping for a loss at tomorrow's weigh in.

    Good luck to you!!!