A good kick in the butt is needed here!

Hey guys.
First time I need a kick in the butt for motivation since I started. I have 80 pounds to lose, I started back in August, and I have lost about 25 pounds so far. But lately, I've been having such a problem to refrain from snacking and I barely do any exercise anymore.

I'm falling slowly into my old habits, and this scares me. But, I think I might know what's up. I thought, by this time, I would be "cured" from my bad eating habits... but they just seem to come back around and even more since I moved into my new house. I've been working week-ends and nights, altogether with my regular Monday to Friday work week, the kids, Christmas gatherings starting and stress with fatigue. It all seems like all this... this is driving me into eating.

Do you have some tricks you guys use when facing something like this, when you're losing the discipline you usually have?
I know... more discipline, but, I guess I just need THAT kick in the butt right now.

Hopefully posting here will help me get it. Never know unless you try right?

Thanks everyone.


  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    You are not alone. The bad eating habits sneak back in all the time. The one thing you need to remember is that this is for life and you have to change completely forever.

    Sounds easy right, nope. The stress makes it hard, being busy causes issues, so many things get in the way. The trick is to fall off and then say OK just once. Now I am back. Let yourself have One, plan to be bad once in a while. Make time for exercise, even if not exactly the exercise you want to do. Just keep active, just keep moving, just keep your attitude going in the right direction.
  • lizfiz50
    lizfiz50 Posts: 179 Member
    Remember this mantra I learned from my old WW meetings leader

    When dealing with stress, just remember to find:


    That mantra has helped talked me down from doing some major caloric damage.
  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    Had similar issue with sodas and late night snacks. I found alternates to soda (tea in my case). But the reality is I felt guilty about what I was putting in my body. Started looking at that person in the mirror and didn't like what was staring back at me. Got me started on short easy workout schedule and cutting out some of the snacks. You're right - discipline is important. But look at what you have accomplished toward your goal!! You have done great - don't mess that up! And I bet it wasn't easy - but mentally you were committed! Use the tools on this site - set some calorie goals that help you lose the weight you desire. You know it is a marathon, so stick with it. We know you can do it!!!!
  • Xanya
    Xanya Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for all the comments. It did help me realize. the STRESS thing was good, I wrote it down on a paper and stuck it to my ''stupid stuff', cupboard :)

    Thank you.. it did give me the right kick in the right place :)
  • rach503
    rach503 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm totally dealing with the same thing! Trying to get back into the swing of things where the motivation just comes naturally...
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Suck it up, Cupcake! ....mmm cupcakes.... lol

    Winter time is for hibernating, or that's what I'm feeling. Maybe you need to shake things up. Find a class you like, join a sport, learn something new, etc....
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I'm an emotional eater as well. I just recently left a high stress job and found I eat way less each than I was at the old job. The thing that helped me when I was emotionally eating was to have healthier snacks already prepared. I used to buy my fruits and veggies for the week each weekend when grocery shopping. I would then come home and get them ready to go right after putting the groceries away. If you have the healthy snacks conveniently ready, then it is easier to turn to them instead of the "stupid stuff". Grapes, berries, and apples are all really easy on the go fruits. If you cut up your apple at the beginning of the day and put them in a tupperware dish with some lemon juice they will not turn brown. Celery, carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, and cauliflower taste great with hummus and they are all easy veggies to prepare for the week. And 1oz of mixed nuts each day is really good for you and also quite filling if you just need to munch on something.

    Also, this sounds stupid but it works. Every time you have a craving, take your right hand and make it into a fist. Count to ten slowly and your cravings will have dissipated or gone down a lot. I used to do this every time I wanted a doughnut with my morning coffee.

    Good luck!
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I stopped working out for a month during home remodeling - just had too much to do, and restoring the weight room was low on the list. So I dropped my calories too, to avoid gaining during my slack time. Starting up again was kind of hard, but I'm doing it because I miss my extra food. :bigsmile:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    focus and get determined and strong motivation
    then get off the computer and go work out!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ... this is driving me into eating.

    Nope. Those things didn't make you overweight to begin with, so they are not what is keeping you overweight.

    You are choosing to deal with it things overeating, which is an entirely different thing.

    Stop looking for motivation - what you need is discipline.
  • Bj0223
    Bj0223 Posts: 133 Member
    I tell myself there is no excuses allowed for not exercising and I mean it! I run at 5.30am and there are tons of excuses my brain comes up with, its too cold, its too dark, I'm tired, I need more sleep......I have a million. Finally I decided NO EXCUSES! Last week it was cold and windy (31 degrees, I'm in So Arizona so that's super cold for me) I tried to make an excuse and finally had to kick myself in the butt and GO. I froze, I may have cried at one point, my tears turned into ice but I RAN! I felt accomplished and stupid at the end but I DID IT and that's what mattered.
  • Xanya
    Xanya Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks all, for all your comments, tricks and words. I appreciate every little bit!

    Right now I have highs and lows...but I'm maintaining my calories low enough to keep losing. I just move a bit less.
    It's a bit hard when you work more than 50 hours a week to go work out, and want to spend what's left with your kid... but at least me and her play and dance a lot - belly dance and run around the house together - , as a "work out replacement" the time I get back to normal schedules. (Project deadlines, stressful client changes and what not... I can have 3 hours of sleep and work again when waking up).

    Mr_Knight, you were right. It was my own fault I got overweight - overeating and what not -
    The discipline is kicking back in though. Two days straight, I declined chocolate and chips :D I feel awesome.

    The thing that gave me a kick in the butt the most was the office christmas party pictures. I wish I could show you guys... I was amazed at how I looked better, and that made me keep going. During Christmas vacations (4 days only booo!!) , I plan going hitchhiking with my daughter in a backpack, and snowboarding :D I haven't snowboarded in 10 years. Wish me luck.