Early Start - New Year, New Me

I recently quit my job, a job I've had for 15 years. I *think* I have another job lined up, but haven't gotten the offer yet. I know it's crazy to leave one job without having another, especially in this economy. But the stress and environment have taken a huge toll on me -- physically and mentally. I have been in a downward spiral of depression and I decided it had to stop. For better or worse, as scary as it is, I'm closing that door. My last day is Dec. 31. So along with a new job, I'm committing to improving myself. I tend to be a person that puts everyone else first, at my expense. This year, I want to put me first for a change.

About 7 years ago, I lost about 35 pounds which doesn't sound like much but for me, it's the difference between a size 14 and a size 4. I am one pound away from being back to where I started back then and it's very depressing to look at photos and see what I've done to myself. I'm trying to use it as motivation -- I did it once, I can do it again and this time, maintain it.

I am an "all or nothing" thinker, an emotional eater, as well as a procrastinator. The trifecta of a yo-yo dieter. My scumbag brain keeps telling me I can't lose weight during the holidays, I should start on Jan. 1 like everyone else. But I am determined to make a break with my bad habits, so I'm starting today. On a Tuesday. In the heart of the biggest eating time of the year. For every reason why it won't work, I want to prove to myself that it will.

So here I am. Any and all motivation and friends are welcome. I'd especially like to hear from anyone using an activity tracker (like FitBit). I'm debating about whether to put one on my Christmas list. As my neglected, dusty collection of fitness equipment will attest, I have a weakness for trying to buy "motivation in a box." I want to know if any of those devices really work, and add anything to the mix, or if it's mostly hype.

Thank you for reading this long post! Feels good to write it down, make myself accountable.


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    sounds like you are in for a lot of good change!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    Welcome 7Joy! Your post is exciting to me, because it is full of positives! Whether you realize it or not, you have ignited a flame that will only go out if you stop pursuing your goals. There are three keywords you used that you can start building upon TODAY!

    You said :"DECIDED", "COMMITTING" and "DETERMINED"! WOW! Those are POWERFUL WORDS and even more powerful life concepts! These are your building blocks. You can stop worrying about the procrastination, the yo-yo dieting, the scumbag brain...all that. If you continue to COMMIT to your DECISION and stay DETERMINED to succeed, all of those apparent obstacles will eventually move out of your way!
    The last thing you said that piqued my interest was "I'm starting today"!! It's AMAZING the strength and vitality that exists in some of the stuff we say, and half the time we don't even realize it. That statement was a declaration that put the other three concepts I mentioned in to FULL ATTACK MODE!!! By saying you were starting TODAY, you just gave permission for your decision, commitment and determination to come to the forefront and be fully available to you! Internally, everything is lining up for you to begin a successful journey! It's all up to you now! You CAN do it and you WILL!!! Now, LET"S GO!!!!
  • 7joy
    7joy Posts: 4
    Thank you! Change is scary, but I'm going to embrace it as a fresh start.

    @soja4jc - you are EXACTLY the kind of motivating individual I need as a friend! May I add you?
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    Thank you! Change is scary, but I'm going to embrace it as a fresh start.

    @soja4jc - you are EXACTLY the kind of motivating individual I need as a friend! May I add you?

    Request sent!

  • chasethesky125
    Once you realize that it's all about everyday small changes, then you have the key to weight loss! Let's be buddies- feel free to add me!
    And I hope you get the job offer! :)