Post Surgery Core-Strengthening

Hey MFP's.... I was recently hospitalized to have an emergency surgery to have my gallbladder removed (who knew losing weight would cause an organ to give up?!) and while they had me under, they repaired my umbilical (belly button) hernia. I've been living with it for a few years and it never really bothered me, except when I did sit-ups or crunches, so I stayed away from doing any high impact core strengthening. But NOW that since I've had it fixed, what are some LOW-IMPACT core exercises I can do, keeping in mind, I'm only a week and a half out of surgery so it's going to be some time before I'm able to do much probably. I'd ask my surgeon, but he's on vacation 'til next week and I want see him 'til then but would like to try and start. I've lost a bunch of weight but I still have this truck-tire holding onto my middle area. I do have a yoga ball that I sit on while at work, I spend anywhere from 8-12 hours sitting behind a computer, per day. I read that sitting on the yoga ball is supposed to help with the core-strengthening.... what are your thoughts? I know I know... I should probably wait to talk to my Dr and see what he says. The doctor I talked to in the hospital said that I should take it easy, but he understood that getting in shape has a philosophy of "no pain-no gain"... so. He kind of left it at that. Thanks!


  • steve_mfp
    steve_mfp Posts: 170 Member
    I would consult with a post-op physical therapist. Specifically one that works with athletes or athletically minded people.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I would consult with a post-op physical therapist. Specifically one that works with athletes or athletically minded people.

    Was your surgery laporoscopic, or through a laporaotomy? That will make a big difference.

    Your MD was correct. Either way, you should take it easy for a little while. If you have an incision, you definitely want to take it easy until the edges of your wound are well approximated. You definitely don't want it to "dehisc" on you. You work your core through everyday activities (sitting and walking erect, etc) for the first little bit after your surgery, and as you heal, increase your resistance, and add in core exercises. I would consult with PT if you have it, and don't push it.
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks guys... it was laporoscopic for both and for the hernia they did not use a mesh. Looking forward to seeing the Dr next week to see what he has to say.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    I've lost a bunch of weight but I still have this truck-tire holding onto my middle area.

    The truck tire is not your core - it's body fat and/or loose skin located near your core muscles. Neither fat nor skin can be targeted with exercises. For an explanation, Google "spot reduction myth". To lose fat - from anywhere on your body - eat fewer calories & exercise more. Core exercises burn relatively few calories, so they're not as effective as, say, fast walking or full-body strength training.

    Just curious - how fast were you losing weight when you developed gallbladder problems?
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks... Cherimoose... great reply.

    I've lost nearly 90lbs since February of this year and I started having digestive problems about August. Anytime I ate something remotely fatty, I'd get a severe pain in my gallbladder and suffered from chronic constipation. I drink nearly a gallon of water a day so I tried upping my fiber intake and started taking a stool softener. Things got better... But then a week before thanksgiving, we grabbed some burgers and fries as a "treat" and holy-GOD!! Sunday, Monday and Tuesday I had this pain that wouldn't go away and it felt like severe gas or constipation. Wednesday morning I woke up and felt fine for about 20 minutes then all of a sudden WHAM! It was like a bowling ball was surgically implanted in my abdomen and it was expanding and trying to get it. Went to the ER, they said it was just stones, consult a GI dr... well... I didn't make it to the appointment because later that day it ruptured and ended up back int he ER on Thanksgiving day. Great way to use up the last of my vacation/sick time, I tell ya!!