A big 'Hello' to everyone!

Hello Everyone,

I'm Sammy and I have decided to do something about my weight. Now i'm not large but I do wish to lose a few pounds. My aim is to reach 8 stone so I can ride my pony without hurting her. A friend recommended this site for me so I thought i'd give it a go.
I have a lot of body issues but struggle to find the motivation to do something about it so writing all my calories down should help me get motivated.

I tend to have random 'pigging out' sessions which leave me feeling depressed and 'low' so i'm trying to get away from that. Plus I also want to be healthy and keep my body in good condition. I will be reading all the low cal recipes and seeing what I can pick up.

Everybody seems lovely so far, so I hope you all welcome me to the MFP and I look forward to seeing everybody's progress.

Sammy :-)


  • darkon
    darkon Posts: 5,342 MFP Moderator
    Hell Sammy ,

    welcome to MFP, i hope you'll be able to achieve all your goals!
  • Hell Sammy ,

    welcome to MFP, i hope you'll be able to achieve all your goals!

    Thank you! :-)