Sibling weight rivalry

Do you sometimes compare yourself to your sibling?? I have very thin sister, and just recently thought ...why am I so stuck on a certain size? Well, the answer was because my sister was always this size - I guess it's my ....I MADE IT SIZE lol! Do you have anyone that you compare yourself with or ?? Does it help or hurt the cause??


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Well, my sister and I are polar opposite body types. She was always long and lean and I am more short and athletic looking. When I was heavier I used to HATE seeing myself in pics with her. However now that I have slimmed down, she is gaining weight fast and I feel terrible. I got her to join MFP and she just hasn't kept up with it! We have so swapped places though...
  • Aleta7
    Aleta7 Posts: 92
    It is best not to make comparisons; unless it is your before and after weight. Even siblings are different in metabolism and physical make up. It is hard not to. But, you are you not your sibling nor anyone else.
  • candirose69
    I have a twin sister who has ALWAYS been smaller then me, as in her birth weight was smaller heh heh. It can get me down at times but I've had to make a decision to not make my weight a competition, or else i get sad and that leads to binging. I have to be happy when she looses weight, I need to be happy that she's healthy :)
    We have also now become gym buddies which is great motivation because although she weighs less then me I can squat heavier then her :) we all have different gifts I suppose :)
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I've always compared myself to my sister.

    She's always been athletic, and she worked as a personal trainer/group fitness instructor for years. I always figured we had the same genetics so it was a fair person to compare myself to.

    But now I'm 20 pounds lighter than her, and she compares herself to me. Funny how things change!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I have 3 stick thin sisters and was always the chunky one. I always knew "More of you to love" was code for fat.

    My sister's took after my Dad's side of the family.
    On the other hand my Mom was always over weight and was very supportive when as a teen I decide to lose weight.
    Grateful that she taught me healthy eating habits, not deprivation and that a treat now and then is okay. We just can't get away with it the same way that my sisters could.
  • Amandabelanger614
    Amandabelanger614 Posts: 110 Member
    I have the exact problem with my sister. I have always been overweight and she has always been thin. Within the last few years she has started really eating healthy and my mom infront of me told her how great she looks. When i eat like 1200 cals a day and workout 6 times a week with very little scale movement. She doesnt even have to do anything to be thin. So i do compare us alot. Hopefully one day, we can be a similar size.
  • thickerella
    thickerella Posts: 154 Member
    I am 5'8" and my sister is 5'0. She has A cups and I had DDs before I turned 15. She can fit in pre-teen clothing. Even if I were at my ideal weight, I could not do that. It would be absurd to compare us...and yet for as long as I can remember, people have asked me why I am not pretty like my sister.

  • marinashakeel
    marinashakeel Posts: 263 Member
    i have always always been compared to my sister and i think that made a lil bit jelly :( i know i shouldn't have been jealous but you do get jealous when people keep on telling you , you are fat and unhealthy and blah, blah.. my sister is 3 years older than me but everyone always says that i look older than her and that kinda pinch me in the heart :| ... well sister rivalry always goes on ;) thats how the universe works :p
  • _AlabamaSlamma_
    I've spent the last year and a half doing my best to get to 180 or lower, and I will sooner or later. My single brother who's 10 years younger tells me he's trying to get from 168 back up to 185 where he feels a lot better, but he "just can't".
  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    My sister and I are only 18 months apart and we have always been competitive. Now that we are both grown adults, the competion includes fitness and body shape. I doubt it the rivalry will ever end, buts its all done with love :)
  • queenbekks
    queenbekks Posts: 58 Member
    I was always the heaviest gal in the family (out of 7 kids!) I lost a lot of weight several years ago, while my sisters all gained... Now I have gained back 10 lbs of it, and one of my sisters lost a lot in a fairly unhealthy way. Now she keeps rubbing it in my face. I never did that to anyone. Its really frustrating that she feels that kind of competitiveness and I know its going to come back to haunt her when she goes back to her old habits and gains back all the weight!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    lol i have two brothers one is 300lbs and 6'3 with mood issues the other is 140 and 5'10 with astronomical bp and high 5'6 195 (other than that freakishly healthy)... so nope we're good:ohwell:
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    My sister is very much the classic tall thin person, and I'm more of the short, athletic, sturdy farm stock type. Now that I've gained weight and lost it, I feel I have an advantage over my sister who has never had to worry about what she eats...I know how to lose weight if I need to where as she doesn't! There is something to be said for that if in the future they're in the other position. As far I know, it's me and my father who are the gym rats of the family and my sister isn't. Whereas I have gained muscle and strength, I'm sure she's more of a skinny fat person.:laugh:
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Growing up, I always compared myself to my sister. Turns out it was dumb of me, because we have totally different body types. It only took me 24 years to figure it out. =p
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member

    I have an older sister and we have exactly the same body type but she is much more overweight than I am.
    We were always overweight growing up but when I started college I worked really hard to lose weight and learn how to keep it off (it doesn't always stay off but whatever)
    so anyway 10 years later I'm way smaller than I was and than her.

    as far as comparing - it only makes me sad that I cannot help her more. She's stubborn and set in her ways but I know she is miserable being overweight as I was.

    she doesn't seem to hold my weight against me and I don't judge her for hers.

    I do compare myself to every other skinny girl on Earth though. I live in LA so even though I'm petite, I'm still fat! Haa..

    It's nice to go home to my family and feel normal.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    It's not a rivalry, but we all notice and it has flip flopped around through the years. :smile:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Sisters can have very different body types.

    In my family, I don't have a sister just a twin brother, but I do have an aunt that's just 5 years older, and my aunt and my mother and I are all the same size and weight, but even still our body types are very different. I have a smaller rib cage and waist and a curvier booty and thighs (mostly muscle). But, we weigh the same, and are all very small. They carry more weight in the midsection, and have very slender legs.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I am shorter than my 3 bio sisters, however we are mostly built the same: thinner bone structure than our Norwegian-British cousins, stockier than our French-Portuguese cousins. Yes I compare myself to my cousins, lol. Recently I visited my French-Portuguese gramma and she actually compared me (favorably) to my track-scholarship18 year old sister. I just laughed and moved the conversation along because that felt really awkward; I know my sister is in incredible shape, even if we're shaped similarly, I know how hard she works.

    My adopted sisters are all shorter than me, all genetically built so different that there's no way we can compare ourselves to each other.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,210 Member
    It is hard not to compare. Growing up, I was the chub and my sister was slender. I had to learn how to eat and have worked really hard to get the weight off. Now she is the chub, but I don't judge her for it. I wish she would lose some b/c she would be healthier. We have never been ugly to each other about weight. It was all in my head and my problem.