Stuck and starting to get lazy

I am currently at 157 and I have been at this steady weight for a couple of months now. I need some help and motivation to get down to my goal of 130. So far I have lost about 65 lbs and now it's the last stretch that is most difficult for me!


  • CongoClark81
    CongoClark81 Posts: 95 Member
    I know how ya feel! I started at 215 and am now down to 170 but have been on a plateau for months now. Would really like to get to 130 as well and not willing to quit and go back to the way I was nor am I willing to stay the same as I am now. Unfortunately, I don't know what more to do and am getting burnt out on trying so hard with no changes! I wish I had some advice to help get you where you want to be. All I can say is do not give up! Your'e so close, you gotta fight to find a way and get there! Good Luck!
  • _Giselle_
    Have you tried changing your routine a bit? Your food and/or your workouts? Maybe your body needs a bit of a shock to get started again?
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    I went through this a few times. For me, taking a break on maintenance calories did the trick, I got to eat more of the treats I was craving for awhile, got used to counting calories without a weight loss mindset, and was able to get back on track in a week or two and see losses again.