Fitbit or other tracking device opinions please

My husband wants gift ideas for me and I'm thinking about one of these devices for my wish list but don't know much about them. Would love to hear about other's experiences/preferences.


  • ninajenay
    ninajenay Posts: 22 Member
    I recently got a FitBit Zip, and it was made a huge difference in my physical activity and progress! I like the fact that it syncs to the computer so I can hold myself accountable every day. The social aspect of the website/app are helpful as well. The device itself doesn't need to be charged like a lot of the similar devices (uses a watch battery). It shows a :P, :), or :D face depending on your progress throughout the day, which I find to be motivating. The only things it doesn't do compared to some of the other FitBit trackers are counting stairs climbed and sleep quality, which I find a bit unnecessary anyway. Let me know if you have any questions!
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    I recently got a FitBit One and so far, I love it. I've had it for about 3 weeks. I haven't figured out how to make use of the sleep information and I'm sure it doesn't count floors climbed accurately, but I like having something that accurately counts my steps all day and encourages me to keep active. Tonight, I raised my computer monitor and walked in place while reading an article to get to my 10,000 steps (usually I have no trouble getting at least 10,000, but I exercised less than usual today).

    The stairs thing is frustrating. Today, it says I climbed 14 flights - I climbed 2. When it is windy outside (as it was today), it counts extra. When it isn't windy, it sometimes doesn't count a flight when it should. So, I'm learning to not care about how many floors it says I climbed. It might be a great feature to have if I worked in a building with a lot of stairs.

    I do eventually want to figure out how to make good use of the sleep information, since I know that getting enough sleep is crucial to good health and weight loss, but I think I first just need to learn my patterns. It does motivate me to go to bed a bit earlier, which is probably helping already.

    Consumer Reports recently did an article on several of the devices. I went with the FitBit One primarily because I didn't want to wear it on my wrist. With the One, I can clip it to my bra or a pocket or just stick it in my pocket - whatever works at the moment.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    There are loads of opinions about these. Do searches on here for HRM and activity tracker.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I had a fitbit and hated it, I don't see how something that attaches to your clothes or just sits around your wrist can tell accurate information about what your burning ( had it for 6 months and returned it) so I was able to see if it helped me lose any weight, I lost 2lbs in the time I had it going off what it was saying I was burning. I then turned around and bout a body media core armband and within having that for 2 weeks I lost 10lbs!! This works better in knowing how your body works as the longer you wear it the more it knows about how your body works!! It uses the same way to tell how many steps you do like the fitbit, ** Its patented sensors detect skin temperature, heat flux and motion, so it knows what you're doing, when you're doing it and even the intensity of your effort. Also is FDA approved as a medical device to help in weight loss** Which to me would be more accurate than what fitbit could give. I was able to compare to fitbit as I had the information saved up and it was 200 calories WAY off to what I was truly burning. I know this effected me big time because I wasn't eating the right amount of calories for my body to burn and consume to create a loss. I put my money 100% on BM Core Armband.


    ** information used from body media site :)
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I have the Fitbit Force and LOVE it! It syncs with MFP and I love the fact that I can get instant feedback on my wrist and the time without having to dig m,y smart phone out of my purse :smile: