What was the final straw for you?



  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    I had started not feeling comfortable in my own skin when I first joined the site in Feb 2008, but lacked the motivation to stick with it. That summer and fall I ended up spending it swollen and in pain due to an autoimmune disorder that had developed, I hit 300lbs, and tried on a size 24 pant and they fit! :noway: . That was the final straw for me. Jan of 2009 I had finally gotten some medication and the swelling had gone down and the pain had decreased. It wasn't until after I started losing that I really truely saw how big I was in pictures. It was quite horrifying actually.
  • Ready4Changes
    I have had several actual things as well. I absolutely hate pictures taken of my self. I want to change this. I hate seeing them. I also went to a 4 day convention about a week ago and was dead tired from all the walking. The first day of the convention, I had to walk back out to my car that was about 9-10 blocks away. I was so exhausted. I honestly thought I was going to pass out. My face was a purplish red and my kids and husband must have asked me for over an hour i I was ok. This really embarrassed me and made me feel ashamed that I had so much trouble with something. It made me cry inside. They could see my face that it made me sad and my husband felt really bad for me. I don't want anyone to feel bad for me that I can't walk 9 blocks. I just can't believe I am that out of shape. I know I have gained about 85 lbs since I got married. I hate that . I soo want to get my oldself back. I know I may never weigh that little again but if I can even get close.... My hubby looks the same as the day we married almost 20 years ago. the same boyish face the same awesome body. ( sigh ) I really let myself go and I need to make it better for me
  • TonyaVanDe
    When I finally woke up and noticed that the girl that I imagine inside of me no longer matched the woman on the outside of me. I needed to wake up and realize that if I gave everything of myself away to those around me - - - then there was nothing left for me.

    At the end of the day - - - I had no energy left for me - - - no inspiration left for me - - - no courage left for me - - - no drive left for me -

    ENOUGH - - -

    I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered - - - why do I look SO OLD - - -? What the heck is up with my hair - - - ? When did I get so FAT - - - ?


    It was the day I did not recognize myself in the mirror - !!!
  • jenny2x
    jenny2x Posts: 7
    My moment was when my husband said "you're the heaviest girl I've ever dated." He wasn't trying to be hurtful, but like a lot of guys he didn't think before he opened his mouth. It hurt my feelings, and he has apologized many, many times. It still hurts, and I can hear it over and over again in my head. I may have been the heaviest girl he's ever been with, but I'm definitely the prettiest! Trust me, I've seen pictures. LOL
  • sslaughter1
    After I got my results from my sleep study and being told I indeed had Sleep Apnea but defined in the doctors observation as morbidly obese in the summary. I've had a lot of joint and muscle pain for the last year. I knew I was over weight but the words Morbid and Obese punched me with a huge dose of reality when I looked back at pictures in the last year. I've lost about 10 lbs before starting MFP but really want to stick with it.
  • fat214
    fat214 Posts: 109
    This summer on our yearly family camping trip.When they said today were going to climb a mountain.And one of them was a 70 year old lady who passed me by as I sat dieing on a rock.And thought to myself would it really be that bad if a bear would show up now.I would not let that mountain beat me.I made it to the top as everyone was ready to climb back down.And then they said time for a family picture~GREAT REALLY! Next year I will run up that MOUNTAIN!!
  • annitin
    annitin Posts: 14
    You go girl. Yeah, whatever motivates you, but know that you are really doing it for yourself. :bigsmile:
  • WeightingForSara
    WeightingForSara Posts: 122 Member
    Mine was when my period stopping coming and I wasn't pregnant! I went 8 months with my period, as it turns out after running a bunch of tests, my fat cells and SO stretched that they're producing too much estrogen. Moral of the story: I can't have children, and I'm 24 and have been married for 3.5 years.. and we wanted to try to have a baby once we had been married for 5 years. The doctor told me, "Hunny, to be honest, you're gonna have to lose a LOT of weight for your hormones to balance out, and even then there may be too much damage."

    Yeah. almost -60lbs later and I still don't have a period.
  • missmiller1
    missmiller1 Posts: 131 Member
    The kicker for me was that when I was 13 I weighed almost 200 pounds at only 5 feet tall, I had to buy size 38 men's pants, which was the largest size Pacific Sunwear used to carry. This was before Torrid or any big-box stores sold cute plus-size clothes for teenager girls. I remember just crying looking at myself in the mirror and hating how I looked and felt. I lost 80 pounds over the course of a few years when I cut meat, dairy, and eggs out of my diet. Once I started eating all of those foods again, got engaged, and starting eating the same portions as a 6 foot tall man, I started gaining weight again. I saw a picture of myself before the summer started this year and I saw the fat teenager all over again and decided to get serious. So far I've lost 20 pounds and just bought a pair of size 4 skinny jeans and I feel fantastic! I'm even training for a half marathon. I never would have thought that all those years ago, the same person standing in the mirror crying would be as athletic and addicted to diet and exercise as I am today.
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238

  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    My kicker... I went for a medical so I could get my seafarers certifcate and I was watching the doctor as he was filling out the card. There's a small section of the card that says something like "medical issues" and there were boxes he could check, without saying a word to me he checked the *gasp* obesity box. Well, I got my certificate and went straight to the car, where I sat in the parking lot and burst into tears. I knew that I was big, but I never thought I was obese. I hated myself, I hated the doctor, I hated life. It was then I swore that no doctor would EVER check that box for me again!
  • crazychick87
    my moment was when i realised my size 14 trousers were getting too tight to wear. i refused to buy a size 16 as i've never been a size 16 in trousers before. my sister introduced me to this website and i've never looked back.
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    When I'd done laundry and my size 16 "fat pants" ripped when I tried to put them on. I first tried to blame the dryer setting, saying it was too hot and the pants shrunk, then I burst into tears and realized that something had to give. I went out and bought one pair of size 18 pants and vowed never again to have to do it. I need to go shopping now, my size 14s are getting to be too big :)
  • tinklyhotlips
    for me it took something i had feared for years, having to go into hospital........i was on a night out with friends and i slipped over breaking my leg........this only happened two weeks ago but having to be lifted by several men onto the hospital strecher and stuggling to have my leg plastered because of my size was my last straw i knew i needed to change my life style.......im now awaiting an operation on my leg to pin the bones back together which will all take place within the next two weeks........im scared to death and worried that i will die under the anathetic but i understand that i need to have it fixed as i cant do anything at the moment and am back living at my parents in there lounge as i cant make it up stairs!!!

    ive never been so humiliated in all my life!!! i hope this will help others to do somthing before they have to go through the same thing i did!!! people look down on you for being fat and think that anything that happens is your own fault........i didnt ask for the water to be on the floor that night and i didnt ask to have to go through this however its the wake up call i needed and hopefully im young enough and fit enough to turn my life around!!

  • xButtercup
    xButtercup Posts: 15 Member
    When I started to outweigh my boyfriend I knew I had to do something about my weight. (He's not overweight but I'd like to weigh less than my boyfriend.)
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    2 things stick in my mind. When my husband took me out to Famous Dave's for my birthday and I could barely fit in the booth. I have never been back..... and when morbidly obese was on my medical chart. Why it took so long to get to me, I have no idea, I was always active I guess, when that became difficult I knew I had to change.
  • Maggie1960
    The final straw for me was not being able to reach down to paint my toenails. Pretty pathetic, I know, but it was enough for me.
    All the other stuff, like not fitting into cute clothes, looking awful in photographs, feeling inferior to slender people and never feeling good about the way I looked just weren't enough to spur me into doing something about my weight. But that little thing did! And now I'm 14lbs down with 36lbs to go:smile:
  • maryslk
    Hi,The final straw for me was looking at holiday pictures and seeing the back view of a fat women who I didnt recognise but who turned out to be me!! ! I knew I had put on a BIT of weight but the picture told a different story....I looked huge.Its taken months to get myself motivated but I have now joined a gym and I am so pleased to have found this site. :happy:
  • canadiangirl35
    not being able to fit into my pants and having nothing to wear. I was so upse.