In between C25K days...workout?

So I just finished week 2 of C25K, and I start week 3 tomorrow! What should I be doing in between days? I do the program usually on MWF (this week, finals week is threatening to get in the way but I'm trying to push through!) Should I be doing more cardio? Or some strength based activities? I can't really get to the gym, so the only access I have to weights are dumbbells, but I have no clue where I would even start on that.

What about yoga or pilates on days "off?" Are there any good programs to help me out with routines? Or just a link to a website with a list of exercises?

What are you guys' thoughts?

Thanks so much!!!


  • sarah3436
    sarah3436 Posts: 26 Member
    I did the C25K and I loved it. I think the program is designed to have those built in rest days to maximize your performance but like you I couldn't rest on my off days. I worked out like 6 days a week including the 3 running days. I would do my elliptical, yoga, or strength training. I had actually hit a plateau until I started C25K then I ended up losing like 8 more lbs. I think it was due to the program. Good luck :)
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I swim and bike on days I'm not running. Kind of obsessively actually but it's great low impact exercise.
  • casiobarnes
    casiobarnes Posts: 78 Member
    Great thread!

    I'm on week 5 of C25K and I run 4 times a week. I'd LIKE to run every day, but I know that'll put me on the fast track to injury.

    On my 'off" days I do a couple reps of triceps extensions, lunges, squats, etc. Basic sort of home workout stuff. I'm not really giving it my all with these though, as they just don't keep my attention. I find the inside of a gym to be terminally boring, haha.

    I look forward to hearing anyone else's suggestions!