New to this site

Hi everyone, I am new to this site. I actually am starting my diet tomorrow. Wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me.


  • JennKottler
    Hi everyone!! I am very excited to try this out, I am starting my diet tomorrow and want to lose 20+ lbs. by christmas, does anyone have any suggestions for me, it would be greatly appreciated.
  • kickboxingtwinsmom
    Hi I am new today also. I figured if you added me I would have one person to talk to. I love love love to update my status all and tell what I did to work out and eat. I am a mother of 3 just had twins and I am a personal trainer threw AFAA. I just get motivated when I can talk to others and see others do well. Its almost like a competitive nature of mine. Add me and if you have questions just ask. Advice someone gave me" unless you puke faint and die dont stop. You live one time. You have one body. You better change your body to what makes you happy in the short time you have to live. otherwise you will die with out knowing you were happy. is it worth it? Only you can change you, so start now before you run out of real time..."
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member

    You can do it. Plan your meals and snacks if you are a busy person, if your not have some quick snacks already divied up in the kitchen so you are not tempted to just eat all day. Choose an activity or exercise that you will enjoy. If you enjoy the activity you will not dread it. Involve your kids if you have them, they are terrific motivators and will keep you on track.

    We are glad to have you here:bigsmile:
  • JennKottler
    Thank you!! I would love to add you if I knew how, lol!!
    Congrads on your decsion to start on a new challenge.................remember to count everything that you eat.......(yes small tootsie rolls also)......and also do not forget to count your daliy exercise.....household chores; general gardening,short or long walks: mild or brisk....etc.etc.....all that counts towards your change in a healthy living.................much success on your trudge to happy destiny...:smile:
  • JennKottler
    Thank you