How does one get more calcium in their diet, without blowing

cmacp Posts: 22 Member
Since I have reduced my calorie intake, I have noticed that my calcium is severley lacking... so much so that I have been taking supplements to make sure that I am not damaging my body.

I do the obvious like have semi-skimmed milk in my coffee about 5 times a day, and low-fat yoghurt. I am avoiding cheese like the plague because I know its fattening, but I also can't stand low-fat cheese.

So where else can I get my calcium from without causing an excess intake of calories?


  • lucifa73
    lucifa73 Posts: 110
    Look for calcium fortified products (like breakfast cereals, soy yoghurts etc)

    Also: Collard greens, Sardines, Pease, baked Beans, Tinned salmon, Oranges, Kale, Tofu, Turnips, Tahini

    Remember also that a lot of foods in the dBase might not show calcium because it isn't on the packaging but there may still be calcium in the food.

    HTH Luc
  • k2charmed4u
    Well I don't mean to state the obvious but 100ml of semi-skimmed milk is only 50calories. Which isn't really that bad. Especially if you have milkshake meals like slimfast. It can be a source of calcium and a meal combined meaning you won't be lacking.

    Milk won't affect your weight as long as you have reasonable amounts, the calcium will be great to keep your bones strong with all the exercise. Plus any exercise you do even 15minutes moderate pase will easily cancel out 200ml of milk.

    Good Luck.

    P.S. I love milk and drink it all the time. I can easily clear 6 pints a week on my own, always have, always will and it hasn't affected my weight loss at all. :)
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    Lucifer73 is quite right a lot of the database entries dont include the calcium. I have a small book, "The Healthy Diet Calorie Counter". It doesn't just list calories, it also gives the vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs, and fat breakdown of foods in various tables and a top ten list for each catagory.

    the WHO recommend 500mg/day of calcium and don't give an upper limit

    Here are the top 10 for calcium the amounts are per 100 grams

    1. Parmasan cheese 1025
    2. Sesame seeds 670
    3. Tofu 510
    4. Cheese (on average) 450
    5. Anchovies, sardines 420
    6. Dried figs/almonds/yogurt 250
    7. Purple sprouting broccoli 200
    8. spring greens/spinach/curly kale 170
    9. Okra/chickpeas/brazil nuts 160
    10. Milk 130

    Obviously some of these are a lot higher in calories than others
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i have cheese (full fat cheese) everyday. i don't think you need to avoid it.

    i have been very bad about my calcium lately, but i normally drink one glass of 1% or skim milk (30% calcium), eat one greek yogurt (30% calcium) and eat one string cheese or a slice of deli cheese, etc (15% calcium). the rest i get with spinach salad, beans, broccoli, etc and occasionally a supplement.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've always lost better when I've gotten my 3 dairy products per day. Usually cheese in my scrambled eggs with yogurt, and then milk later or cheese on a sandwich, milk in my cereal, then ice cream (in moderation).