
Hello everyone. I am BRAND new to this site and I just LOVE it! A few years ago I was placed on an anti-depressant to try to control panic attacks that I have had for years. I gained around 15lbs in just over a month. I was always hungry and nothing satisfied me. I quickly got off the medication but was told that it could stay in my system for up to a year. I had a difficult time losing the weight by diet and exercise. After about a year and a half i started losing the weight I gained. After that, I stayed around my old weight plus or minus a few pounds for another year and a half. I have recently lost a little bit more weight and am in maintenance mode. I have the equivalent of a desk job and dont exercise like I should. I also have a HUGE sweet tooth. I find that weighing myself daily and calorie counting puts my mind at ease and makes it so I don't feel "guilty" when I eat or at the end of the day. I think myfitnesspal is great so far. I hope it works out for me.

I always worry that I will "lose control" like I did when I was on medication, and gain all the weight back, plus some. I find that I can easily slip into a binge cycle if I don't calorie count and weigh myself. This has worked very well for months now. In fact, last night I was able to go out to cheesecake factory, have a lovely burger, and part of a piece of cheesecake, with a few calories to spare in my day. With the little tips and tricks I have learned over the months to cut calories, I can hopefully continue to enjoy all the great food I LOVE.