Breastfeeding and Diet

I am struggling to loose the baby weight, I have tried eating just 1500 cal and nothing moved, I tried 1200 cal a day and I gained, I've been exercising as well, anyone know what I need to do to start shedding these lbs?


  • jbiancad
    jbiancad Posts: 66 Member
    I am also breast feeding and my body seems like it doesn't want to let go of the weight. I have read that when breastfeeding, some woman won't lose weight or lose it very slowly. With my luck I am one of those lol
  • I'm by no means an expert on this issue, so research it and ask questions!!

    But, it seems that since you're eating for two... still feeding the little one, you might need to continue a healthy calorie intake. Say 1500-1700 per day, and workout as your body lets you? ( I don't know how recently you gave birth, so I don't know how capable of working out you are?)

    Good luck with this one! I will be following to see what turns out. I am interested to know for my self and for family.