Jewlz Posts: 135
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
I wanted to try all these frozen meals, like lean pockets, smart ones and lean cuisine. what are your favorite ones?:smile:


  • Jewlz
    Jewlz Posts: 135
    I wanted to try all these frozen meals, like lean pockets, smart ones and lean cuisine. what are your favorite ones?:smile:
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    I like lean pockets and lean cuisine a lot; however, my sodium intake went through the roof while eating these prepackaged meals.
  • geske2be
    geske2be Posts: 11
    I love the Lean Cuisine Brand over most of the others! The last Smart One meal I had though was out of this was one of the newer "fruit sensations" meals...I think it was the turkey w/ Cranberry stuffing....really delicious!
  • I don't really like frozen meals because of the sodium... I may be working out and loosing weight but I also look like a blow fish... water retention sucks... lol... so my advice to you if you eat them is check the sodium content before buying... and also know how much sodium you are going to have each day... it will help you choose...
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    I try to stay away from them too because of the sodium....waayyyy too much for me
  • ladydi
    ladydi Posts: 88 Member
    I love the Lean cuisine the sandwhiches are great and I love the lean pockets.Of course I dont eat them for lunch everyday I switch it up with leftovers or I make a salad.But those are a few of my favs:tongue:

    They work great when your in a rush.But I wouldnt have them everyday
  • ksukaro
    ksukaro Posts: 29
    I like Weight Watchers Smart Ones, their lasagnas are actually pretty filling!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    My new favs are the Amy's Mexican Tamale Pie and Santa Fe Enchilada Bowl. I also like the Cedarlane Monterey Jack and Mushroom Tamales and the Couscous and Veggie wrap. Those products can be a bit more expensive, so I try to buy them on sale.

    I like some of the WW and Lean Cuisine items now and then too. I LOVE the Lean Cuisine Deluxe French Bread Pizza (helps with my pizza craving)and the Three Cheese Stuffed Rigatoni Bowl and the WW Smartones Homestyle Beef Pot Roast (180 Calories and 4.5 g fat and tastes like pot roast. I just have a craving for red meat now and then and this does the trick)

    If you have a Trader Joes near you, I always stock up on the Roasted Veggie Enchiladas. 300 calories for the whole tray and super filling and delicious.

    I forgot, another "Trick" is I make the WW Smartones Chicken Santa Fe (very light on calories and fat) and put it on a baked potato. Pretty quick and filling meal! Sometimes I put a little light sour cream on top.

    But, as the other people were the sodium. Just try to limit your sodium the rest of the day if you eat any of these meals. But, they are convenient and sometimes that is needed to stay on track..and they are nicely portioned out too, which can be especially nice for those new to counting calories and portion control.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I LOVE the lean cuisine panini's. They ARE high in sodium but I only have 1 like every 2 weeks or so so... doesn't really worry me. I like the Tuscan grilled chicken one the best, YUM
  • Julie1984
    Julie1984 Posts: 33
    A few days ago I had Amy's stuffed shells, and they were really delicious. I also like most lean cuisine stuff, especially the paninis and flatbread varieties. I find that I can eat them without going over on sodium as long as I'm careful during other meals.
  • rowlandk
    rowlandk Posts: 146 Member
    I don't like the Smart Ones meals, but the desserts are amazing. I love those little things. Two in a package and one it totally enough for me. Lean Cuisines make the BEST paninis. I like Lean Pockets too but they just don't fill me up as much. Smart Ones are definitely cheaper, but I really prefer to pay like $.75 more and get a better meal with the Lean Cuisines.
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    Love the Lean Cuisine pizzas and paninis.
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