So I think i'm going to start rebounding the weight back!

Hello everyone! I'm not exactly new to this, have been working at this for months now and have lost around 12 kgs. However I've never joined the community, been working at this alone, so I'm here to say hi :) Would love for some buddies to add to the app, so feel free to add me! I still have another 8 kgs to lose till my goal, and am very worried about this upcoming month! I have family feasts and celebrations & xmas pre/post feasts & new year's post/pre feast & and my bd following 2 weeks after with 2-3 celebrations. Also I have my exams these weeks and have no time to exercise, plus my appetite doubles when I study. If anyone's up for coaching me with advice, add me please and thank you!

P.S. Study week just started, as well as homemade holiday baked goods, and I'm jut reclining and reclining. I'm not exercising at all, haven't in maybe a month, and never feel up to it. Plus, i'm a teenager living with the world's unhealhiest family. I really need a good plan...


  • DiKoehler
    DiKoehler Posts: 65 Member
    you have a good idea of what you need to do to make this keep working. You can be a bit flexible around the holidays but if you increase your intake and quit exercising you do gain back the weight. Even if you are dead tired do 10 minutes of exercise and you'll soon find you can easily do more before you quit. Get a pedometer and note your steps/distance every day--gets to be a self challenge to beat yesterday's numbers. Definitely get a buddy to share daily with. My husband and I keep each other on the program. Good luck and have happy holidays.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    Welcome :)
    Also I have my exams these weeks and have no time to exercise, plus my appetite doubles when I study. If anyone's up for coaching me with advice, add me please and thank you!

    Okay, here's an idea. Go find and download the little Adobe Air desktop app called "focusbooster".

    (, PC or mac)

    Do a 25 minute session of studying, then take the 5 minute break to walk around. If you're in a dorm and can't do much in-room pacing, go out to the hall and maybe go up and down a flight of stairs a couple times, or do whatever amount of walking you can do in five minutes (ten MAX). When your break is up, get back to work. This will at least keep you active during the day, and it will keep you from burning out while studying.

    If you find your appetite doubles when you study, get yourself HEALTHY snacks. Go to the grocery store and buy a party tray of vegetables and snack on those. Buy apples or bananas, something that will keep you full longer than pretzels or goldfish, for more bang for your caloric buck.

    Good luck!